Hi-Tech 2024, September

How To Clean A Computer Display

How To Clean A Computer Display

A computer monitor screen usually gets dirty very quickly. Thanks to the plastic coating, the static charge on it and the constant slight heat, dust sticks to your screen. How to remove it and how to prevent it from accumulating so quickly? There are several excellent and effective ways to do this

How To Restart Your Phone

How To Restart Your Phone

With each of us in life, at least once there were such situations when the phone stopped responding to all buttons at once, "hung up". But what to do if at this very moment you are expecting an important call or you have to call yourself?

How To Turn On The Front Panel

How To Turn On The Front Panel

Modern system units contain outputs for connecting USB, audio devices and a microphone on the front panel. It is usually located either near the power / reset buttons or on the side of the unit. Instructions Step 1 Connect the connectors to the front panel

How To Choose A Good Player

How To Choose A Good Player

Modern MP3 players can play more than just music. They help you watch movies, read books, save your favorite radio stations, record sound through an external microphone. Some devices allow you to access the Internet via Wi-Fi and transfer files via Bluetooth

How To Set Up A Universal Remote Control

How To Set Up A Universal Remote Control

Universal remote controls are a great invention that gets rid of a lot of coffee table remotes. They can be used with all electronics in the home. In order for the device to be able to control the operation of a TV, air conditioner, DVD player, etc

How To Connect To Cable For Free

How To Connect To Cable For Free

Connecting cable TV is a rather topical issue. Today there is a constant rise in prices, and some residents of houses are slowly disconnecting from some services. But watching TV is possible without payment, and everything will be official on your part

How To Find The Lock Code For Nokia 5800

How To Find The Lock Code For Nokia 5800

The domestic market offers a wide range of mobile phones for every taste. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. The nokia 5800 mobile phone rightfully occupies a leading position in its class. It is equipped with everything necessary for any resident of the metropolis to feel comfortable and cozy, communicating with their friends and relatives

How To Disassemble A Wristwatch

How To Disassemble A Wristwatch

Often the reason for the stop of a mechanical wristwatch is the contamination of the mechanism, the penetration of moisture into the case. It is enough to disassemble the watch, clean and lubricate it. But you just need to know exactly how this is done in practice

How To Block A Caller's Number

How To Block A Caller's Number

More and more often, mobile subscribers begin to harass them with calls on various occasions. To bring peace to your life again, it is enough to block the annoying caller's number. Instructions Step 1 Find out if your mobile phone has a Blacklist feature that allows you to block calls from subscribers whose number you do not know

How To Find A Phone Number

How To Find A Phone Number

To identify your phone number, you can use a service such as Automatic Caller ID. Some operators activate such services immediately, while others require a request from the owner of the number to activate them. Necessary Cellular telephone

How To Prevent Sending Messages To Short Numbers

How To Prevent Sending Messages To Short Numbers

By sending messages to short numbers, mobile phone users subscribe to certain services. However, this does not always happen consciously: it happens that the subscription is connected unnoticed by the subscriber. Money is debited from the account for the service, and the subscriber does not even know that he has subscribed to some mailing list

What To Do To Prevent The Washing Machine From Jumping

What To Do To Prevent The Washing Machine From Jumping

With the invention of the washing machine, people had more free time. Only sometimes this device becomes a real problem when it creates unnecessary vibrations. And then all the free time is spent on solving this situation. When the washing machine "

How To Change The Hard Drive On A Laptop

How To Change The Hard Drive On A Laptop

Winchester on a laptop is easy enough to change with your own hands. However, this operation requires great care, care and precision. Most often, the need to replace a hard drive on a laptop is due to the fact that it fails or its volume is insufficient for the needs of the user

How To Repair A Canon DSLR Camera

How To Repair A Canon DSLR Camera

Cameras break down in the same way as other equipment, but repairs here are possible only in limited cases. When repairing SLR cameras, it is important to keep in mind that their lenses should never be disassembled at home. Necessary - lint-free soft fabric

How To Find Out The Location Of Your Phone

How To Find Out The Location Of Your Phone

If you want to find out where a subscriber of the Beeline, Megafon or MTS network is now, use your mobile phone and a special service provided by the operator. But do not forget that this service will be available to you only within the network

How To Flash A Chinese "iPhone I9"

How To Flash A Chinese "iPhone I9"

The I9 is a copy of the Iphone from the Chinese manufacturer Sciphone. The device looks like it and the device from Apple, but has different software. The firmware is carried out using a homemade cable and special computer software. Necessary Specially made flashing cable

How To Assemble An IPhone

How To Assemble An IPhone

The iPhone, despite its rather attractive appearance, has a rather sturdy construction. If you are not familiar with its internal structure, it is best not to disassemble it, leaving it to the service center to repair it. Necessary - screwdriver

How To Remove The Cover From An IPhone

How To Remove The Cover From An IPhone

If you decide to save money or try your hand, I advise you to read this manual first in order to remove the back cover from your iPhone yourself. Necessary Phillips screwdriver, suction cup Instructions Step 1 The first step is to remove the SIM card tray

How To Remove The Cover Of An Iphone 2g

How To Remove The Cover Of An Iphone 2g

You can often hear from iPhone 2G owners that the back metal cover cannot be removed, and it is impossible to replace the battery. This is wrong. The back cover can be removed, but this is a rather laborious process. You need to stock up on a fair amount of patience and a number of tools in order to do everything correctly and without damaging your smartphone

How To Get A Nokia Personal Certification

How To Get A Nokia Personal Certification

A personal certificate is a special file that allows you to install an application on a smartphone, before signing it. To obtain the certificate, you must have a mobile phone from an authorized Nokia distributor. Necessary - computer with Internet access

How To Sign A Smartphone App

How To Sign A Smartphone App

Signing applications for a smartphone until recently could be done easily and simply, today the creation of a Symbian Limited certificate is only possible for all sorts of software developers who have a general Publisher ID status. This was done so that any user did not try to make any fake of the program and put it in the public domain

How To Sign A Phone Program

How To Sign A Phone Program

Some smartphone applications (mainly Nokia smartphones) must be signed with a personal certificate that entitles these applications to be installed. The process of obtaining the certificate itself is not considered in this material. Necessary - PC with preinstalled Microsoft Windows operating system

How To Install Apps On Android

How To Install Apps On Android

Android applications, as well as applications for Windows Mobile, Apple iOS and Java platforms, can be installed from a computer or from special Internet sites - application stores. Let's consider two ways to install applications on the Android mobile OS

How To Send Anonymous SMS

How To Send Anonymous SMS

Modern mobile communication does not stand still. To bind subscribers to themselves, cellular operators offer them a huge number of additional services, including sending anonymous sms. This service gives you the ability to transmit information to the addressee without disclosing your name

How To Disassemble Sony Ericsson

How To Disassemble Sony Ericsson

It is not difficult to disassemble a Sony Ericsson mobile phone. This will require some tools, care, adherence to a certain sequence. Disassembling Sony Ericsson allows you to replace individual defective parts. Particular attention should be paid to the removal of the housing during disassembly

How To Disassemble The Phone Case

How To Disassemble The Phone Case

If you need to change the socket for a mobile phone, you can always do the necessary actions with your own hands. This will allow you to save an extra pretty penny on contacting a specialized service. Necessary Cellular telephone

How To Remove The Case On The Phone

How To Remove The Case On The Phone

The phone case can be easily removed. After prolonged use of the phone and if there are external signs of damage. You can replace this item by purchasing a new one for replacement. Necessary - crosshead screwdriver; - a plastic card

How To Switch To Another Tariff

How To Switch To Another Tariff

To change your tariff plan, you just need to go to one of the service offices of the mobile operator and, having provided your passport, switch to another tariff. However, it is not always possible to go to the office. There are other options for changing your tariff plan

How To Switch To Another Tariff Plan

How To Switch To Another Tariff Plan

Cellular operators regularly make changes to the lines of their tariff plans: the usual tariffs are archived, and new ones appear to replace them. If any of the new products attracted you, switch over. You will most likely have to pay for the transition to a new tariff, but you will still have the same phone number as before

What Is A Chiller

What Is A Chiller

For the air conditioning of large buildings, the chiller-fan coil system is most often used. It has many advantages, including an almost unlimited distance between the main elements, the ability to serve many spacious rooms using a single chiller, and a relatively low cost of equipment

How To Install Satellite Dishes For TV

How To Install Satellite Dishes For TV

Satellite television is becoming more and more active in the life of Russians. High image quality, the presence of many TV channels makes more and more people think about installing a set for receiving satellite TV channels. Most often, the installation and configuration of equipment is trusted by a specialist, but this work can be done independently

How To Run The Firmware

How To Run The Firmware

Firmware is a set of programs that ensure the normal functioning of the cellular and the performance of all the functions that it must perform - calls, messages, as well as multimedia functions described in the technical documentation. In case of incorrect operation of the firmware, it is not difficult to replace it, it is enough to follow a series of steps

How To Install Custom Firmware

How To Install Custom Firmware

Firmware is software that is responsible for the correct operation of the phone. Over time, due to careless handling of the phone, defects may appear in the firmware, leading to "glitches" or a complete freeze of the device. In this case, you need to install a custom, "

How To Find Out The Cellular Operator

How To Find Out The Cellular Operator

How to find out the cellular operator? Quite often, many people face a similar question. Someone is interested in the subscriber's operator in order to clarify the cost of a call, someone just wants to clarify their operator. One way or another, the question remains relevant

How To Free Up RAM In A Handheld Computer

How To Free Up RAM In A Handheld Computer

There are several generally available recommendations for freeing up the PDA's RAM using system tools. Other methods involve downloading and installing specialized cleaning applications. Instructions Step 1 The size of the PDA's RAM is very different from the total memory size indicated by the device manufacturer

How To Fix A Dvd Player

How To Fix A Dvd Player

Unfortunately, the DVD player, along with other technical innovations, is prone to malfunctions and breakdowns. This circumstance, naturally, upsets the owner of this technique. But the situation is not hopeless, because the dvd player can be repaired

How To Disassemble The Player

How To Disassemble The Player

The DIYer has to repair not only mobile phones but also MP3 players. In the order of disassembly, they are somewhat different from phones. The set of tools used in this case also has its own characteristics. Necessary - Payphone card

How To Fix A Camera

How To Fix A Camera

Today the camera can no longer be called a luxury or a novelty of technology. Cameras are built into almost every mobile phone, and almost every family has a digital camera. Being an obligatory attribute of any, even the smallest, travel or camping trip, cameras often break

How To Russify A PDA

How To Russify A PDA

More and more people, in order to save money, purchase equipment on foreign sites. Items purchased include laptops, mobile phones, digital cameras and PDAs. After the goods are in the hands of the buyer, the only additional operation that needs to be done is the addition of a Russian keyboard in case of buying a laptop, and Russification in case a PDA or a mobile phone was purchased

How To Replace Glass Iphone 3G

How To Replace Glass Iphone 3G

There is a crack or scratch on your iPhone screen. We'll have to change the glass. You can, of course, contact the service center. In this case, your phone will be taken for diagnostics, then repairs will be carried out. How long all these procedures will take is unknown