How To Prevent Sending Messages To Short Numbers

How To Prevent Sending Messages To Short Numbers
How To Prevent Sending Messages To Short Numbers

By sending messages to short numbers, mobile phone users subscribe to certain services. However, this does not always happen consciously: it happens that the subscription is connected unnoticed by the subscriber. Money is debited from the account for the service, and the subscriber does not even know that he has subscribed to some mailing list! Also, sms can send viruses masquerading as applications. In addition, children are very fond of expensive and useless mobile services … However, sending sms to short numbers can be prohibited, thereby protecting yourself from fraud and meaningless expenses

MTS subscribers should call 0890 from their mobile and ask the operator if any paid services are connected to you. If there are any, ask to disable all services you think you do not need. And then, if you think it is necessary, ask to connect the following services: "Content barring" (banning calls and SMS to short paid numbers), "Banning the reception of informational SMS and SMS from the MTS website" and "Banning the reception of SMS with news from MTS" (this is will protect you from intrusive advertising”.

Another way is to dial * 152 #: this way you can view the list of subscriptions and unsubscribe, in addition, you can see the 5 most recent paid actions.

In addition, at the office, you can draw up a paper agreement that no additional service can be activated without your written application.

Beeline subscribers should contact the operator by phone 0611, inquire about the availability of paid services and ask to turn them off. It will also be useful to ask to activate the services "Black and White Lists" (banning calls and SMS to short paid numbers), "Blocking Mobile Ads" and "Banning promotions" (these are free services that then become paid). "Blocking commercial SMS" prohibits the receipt of paid SMS from commercial providers.

Megafon subscribers can ask the operator to turn off paid services by calling 0500. Also ask the operator to connect Stop Content services (prohibiting sending SMS to paid numbers). In different regions, this service may be called "Prohibition of paid services", or "Prohibition of advertising services", or "Prohibition of sending entertainment SMS". Also enable "Refusal of SMS-mailings" and "Refusal of Try & buy" (refusal of free services, which will later become paid).

Tele2 subscribers can contact the information desk by calling 611.

It is best to call operators periodically - at least once every two to three months to find out about connected paid services: you may not even know that you have connected to a paid mailing list. Also, do not forget about "safety measures": install an antivirus program in your gadget, download applications only from trusted sites. Before installing a new program or application, do not be lazy to see what rights it requires. If you specify "sending SMS on a paid basis", you should not install it.

If the services provided by short numbers are sometimes tempting for you, find out their cost before sending an SMS to the short number. To find out the cost of the service, you should:

- for MTS: send an SMS with the text "XXXX (short number digits)" to number 2282 (for Moscow and the Moscow region it is free, in roaming SMS will cost according to your tariff)

- for Beeline: find out details about the short number by opening a special tab on the official Beeline website (there you can also find out all Beeline partners, the list of services and their cost, and also report fraud) help / safe-beeline / ugrozy-mobilnykh-moshennikov / uslugi-partnerov / (do not forget to indicate your city at the top of the page)

- for Megafon: dial the USSD command * 107 * short number #. In response, you will receive information about the cost of services. If several services are assigned to the number, the cost of each of them will be sent in a separate message.

- for Tele2: dial * 125 * short number # on the phone and press the call key.

On the websites of mobile operators, as a rule, there is a feedback form for complaining about scammers.
