How To Block A Caller's Number

How To Block A Caller's Number
How To Block A Caller's Number

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More and more often, mobile subscribers begin to harass them with calls on various occasions. To bring peace to your life again, it is enough to block the annoying caller's number.


Step 1

Find out if your mobile phone has a Blacklist feature that allows you to block calls from subscribers whose number you do not know. You can activate it in the call and contact settings menu. Find the item "Accept calls only from the list of contacts" and put a tick in front of it.

Step 2

Turn on blocking of all incoming calls if you will not be able to use your phone for some time. You can also activate this useful feature in the phone settings and configuration menu by setting the barring of calls by category. Here you can also prohibit outgoing calls, as well as long-distance communication with other subscribers.

Step 3

Contact your mobile operator's technical support service if your phone lacks the required function. Give the number you want to block. The operator will perform the necessary actions or give instructions for self-locking. You can do this in the user's personal account, in the service management menu, by opening it through the official website of the mobile operator.

Step 4

Contact one of the subscriber offices located in your city, taking your passport or other identification document with you. It is important that the SIM card is also in your name. The office consultants will help you activate the blacklist service, as well as provide a printout of calls if you were unable to identify the caller's number.

Step 5

Use a clever trick to block certain numbers. Disable the voicemail function on your tariff. Then open the properties of the contact whose number you want to block and check the box next to "Route all calls to voicemail". When trying to call you, the subscriber will constantly hear short beeps, as if your number is busy.
