How To Draw In Flash

How To Draw In Flash
How To Draw In Flash

Table of contents:


Drawing in Flash is a great way to distract yourself, relax and enjoy the aesthetics of the pictures you create. Scientists have long proven that color therapy has a calming and relaxing effect on the entire human nervous system. In addition, drawing in flash is not just a thoughtless way of driving with a pencil on a piece of paper, but an art that requires a lot of imagination and logical thinking from you.




Step 1

Go to the "Graphic Editors" section and press the Ctrl + J keys on your keyboard, thus creating a new Flash document. Set the parameters for it as follows: width 350, height 250 px, speed 24 frames per second.

Step 2

Create (draw with the Line Tool) a pencil, select it by pressing Ctrl + A and convert it to a clip symbol by pressing F8.

Step 3

Without removing the selection from the newly created pencil, press the Ctrl + F3 keys, open the Properties panel with their help, and in the Instance Name window write the word pencil.

Step 4

Press the F9 key to open the Action Script panel, and insert the following scripts there:

To replace the cursor with a pencil -

Mouse.hide ();

var mouseListener: Object = new Object ();

mouseListener.onMouseMove = function () {

pencil._x = _xmouse;

pencil._y = _ymouse;

updateAfterEvent ();


To paint -


Mouse.addListener (mouseListener);

To set the desired color -


drawing_mc.lineStyle (3.0x99CC00, 100);

To delete with the Delete or Backspace keys


var keyListener: Object = new Object ();

keyListener.onKeyDown = function () {

if (Key.isDown (Key. DELETEKEY) // Key.isDown (Key. BACKSPACE)) {

drawing_mc.clear ();



Listener for picture


Key.addListener (keyListener);
