How To Find Out The Location Of Your Phone

How To Find Out The Location Of Your Phone
How To Find Out The Location Of Your Phone

Table of contents:


If you want to find out where a subscriber of the Beeline, Megafon or MTS network is now, use your mobile phone and a special service provided by the operator. But do not forget that this service will be available to you only within the network.


Step 1

By the way, in Beeline you will not be able to use the service right away, because you must first activate it. To do this, dial the number 06849924 (the call to it is free). After you receive a connection notification from a telecom operator, you can safely send an SMS with the text "L" to the short number 684. Searching for other subscribers each time will cost you 2 rubles 05 kopecks.

Step 2

Customers of other companies can also locate other subscribers. In MTS, for example, there is a service called Locator. To use it, you just need to dial an SMS message with the number of the wanted person and his name and send it to 6677. It is worth noting that this operator has imposed some restrictions on the search: you will not be able to find out the whereabouts of this or that person until you will agree to this. Consent is expressed in the confirmation of the SMS message received from the operator. The cost of using Locator is 10-15 rubles (the exact cost will depend on which tariff plan you are connected to).

Step 3

If you are a subscriber of the Megafon telecom operator, then you will have at your disposal two different services for finding another person. One of them was created specifically for parents and their children, therefore it is available only on some tariffs (for example, on "Smeshariki" and "Ring-Ding"). A complete list of such tariffs and a detailed description of the service can be found on the official website of the company.

Step 4

The second service can be used by all subscribers without any restrictions. It is located at You can also call 0888 or send your request to the USSD number * 148 * subscriber number # (by the way, specify the number via +7). The cost of this service is 5 rubles (this amount will be deducted from your account for sending each request).
