How To Disassemble The Player

How To Disassemble The Player
How To Disassemble The Player

Table of contents:


The DIYer has to repair not only mobile phones but also MP3 players. In the order of disassembly, they are somewhat different from phones. The set of tools used in this case also has its own characteristics.


  • - Payphone card;
  • - a set of screwdrivers for phones.


Step 1

If you have an Apple device in front of you, do not disassemble it yourself. Also, do not repair players yourself if the warranty period has not yet expired.

Step 2

Prepare a special tool in advance to open the enclosures without damaging their edges. To do this, take a used payphone card and sharpen one of its edges in any way you can.

Step 3

If you have previously dealt with mobile phone repair, then you already have a dedicated screwdriver set for this. In the absence of such a set, purchase it, but not on the market, but in a spare parts store for phones. There it is often almost ten times cheaper.

Step 4

Before disassembling the player, safely disconnect it from the computer (in Linux - using the umount and eject commands), physically disconnect it from the port, turn off its power, and if you have removable memory cards and batteries, remove them.

Step 5

Locate all the screws on the back of the device and unscrew them. Remember or sketch which one was where. Place them in a jar or attach to a magnet.

Step 6

Locate additional screws in the battery compartment, under the stickers, etc. Remember that removing or puncturing the sticker will void your right to have your player under warranty.

Step 7

Using a tool made from a payphone card, carefully separate one half of the case from the other. Do not then try to sharply stretch the halves, so as not to tear off any wires or cables from the boards.

Step 8

If the battery is built-in, immediately after you open the player, disconnect it, remembering the polarity. Do not short-circuit it.

Step 9

Find and fix the problem. When removing any parts, remember how they were installed and what was the order in which they were removed. If the battery is built-in, reconnect it after repair, observing the polarity. Reassemble the device in the reverse order.
