
Mechanical Or Membrane Keyboards

Mechanical Or Membrane Keyboards

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Recently, so-called mechanical keyboards have appeared in Russia. We are all used to using membrane membranes and, in principle, everything suits us. Mechanical keyboards are much more expensive than membrane ones. As a rule, mechanical ones are always better than membrane ones and are very different from them

Transcend's New High Capacity Mini SSD

Transcend's New High Capacity Mini SSD

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Transcend Corporation has pleased its fans with the new physical drive MTS800 M.2, which is designed to optionally expand the internal memory of tablets, subnotebooks and modern Chromebooks. Based on the name, the new product is made in the M

How To Recover A Forgotten Bank Card PIN

How To Recover A Forgotten Bank Card PIN

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When the bank issues a card to its client, it also issues a secret code with which you can use the card through a terminal or ATM. The PIN is a four-digit combination. It is important that this code does not fall into the hands of third parties

How To Install The Game On A USB Flash Drive

How To Install The Game On A USB Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Having installed a computer game on a flash card, you can take it with you to any place and play on any computer that meets the system requirements of the game itself. It is necessary Flash card. Instructions Step 1 Today, every PC user can install computer games on any type of removable media

How To Make Your Microphone Louder

How To Make Your Microphone Louder

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The home PC is versatile and can be customized for a variety of tasks. With a microphone available, the range of possibilities can be tripled, but first this microphone must be properly connected and the volume adjusted. Instructions Step 1 For sound recording, the microphone may not be louder

Why The Card Reader May Not Work

Why The Card Reader May Not Work

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The card reader may not work for two reasons: problems with the software for the device or a hardware problem. A novice user can also update the software for the card reader, but in the event of a technical malfunction, it is better to contact the service center

Which Film Is Better For Your Phone Screen: Glossy Or Matte

Which Film Is Better For Your Phone Screen: Glossy Or Matte

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Phone screen protectors are a versatile way to protect your touchscreen from dirt, scratches, and fingerprints. Matte and glossy films have a number of pros and cons, which makes it difficult to choose between them. Screens of touchscreen phones need to be protected, since it is rather difficult to keep them intact during active use

Why Do You Need A Network Adapter

Why Do You Need A Network Adapter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The network adapter is a very important element of the computer, which provides the user with access to the network. Today, these devices are built into the computer's motherboard, so the need to purchase them is extremely rare. Network adapter Network adapters come in different types

How To Make A Stylus For A Capacitive Screen

How To Make A Stylus For A Capacitive Screen

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Everyone knows that capacitive screens do not support pressing with objects that do not conduct an electric current, that is, it will not work to control a phone with such a screen with gloves. But there is a way out - this is a stylus, which you can make yourself

What Is The Average Lifespan Of A USB Flash Drive

What Is The Average Lifespan Of A USB Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A USB flash drive is a universal storage and way of transferring information, which is used, perhaps, by every person working with a personal computer. USB stick USB sticks have been around for a long time and are used literally everywhere today

How To Pick A Good Gaming Headphone

How To Pick A Good Gaming Headphone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Having decided to buy good headphones, almost everyone begins to imagine these devices in their imagination, their fancy shape, size, color, etc. Indeed, the market today is saturated with various goods and in order to choose a quality thing - in our case, headphones, you need to take a good look at all characteristics

How To Turn On The Sensor

How To Turn On The Sensor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A sensor is a device that replaces a button, which is triggered not by pressing, but by touch. It can be electrical or optical. The way it is turned on depends on the chosen physical principle of operation. Instructions Step 1 The sensors that react to interference only work in rooms where there is an AC mains

How To Transfer Maps To The Navigator

How To Transfer Maps To The Navigator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When working with the navigator, a problem may arise: the user does not have enough standard maps. In this regard, programs have appeared that allow the user to independently install maps in the navigator. It is necessary Navigator, computer

How To Tune Satellite Channels

How To Tune Satellite Channels

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If you have installed satellite equipment, then now it remains to configure it so that all channels declared in the passport can be watched in excellent quality. How to do this is described in detail in the instructions. If not, use the next method

How To Tune The Sound On The Tuner

How To Tune The Sound On The Tuner

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

To use a stationary computer as a TV, you need to connect and configure a TV tuner. Thanks to a wide range of models of these devices, everyone can choose the right equipment for themselves. It is necessary - cable Instructions Step 1 Select the TV tuner that suits your needs and is suitable for your computer

How To Choose A Microphone For Vocals

How To Choose A Microphone For Vocals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When choosing a microphone, you should pay attention not only to the required technical characteristics. Its unique sound will also be important, capable of reproducing every shade of your voice. To do this, you will need not to choose "

How To Recover Deleted Files From A USB Flash Drive

How To Recover Deleted Files From A USB Flash Drive

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Information located on removable media is often overwritten and replaced with a new one, which is why one day it may become necessary to recover deleted files from a flash drive. For such an operation, there are special applications with the appropriate functionality

How To Choose Acoustics For A Receiver

How To Choose Acoustics For A Receiver

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

There are two types of receivers: stereo amplifiers and multichannel amplifiers. The latter consists of many blocks, including the stereo amplifier itself. For any of the types of receivers, you can choose the appropriate acoustics. Instructions Step 1 Front Speaker Selection:

How To Determine The Production Date Of A Battery

How To Determine The Production Date Of A Battery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A battery is a device designed to store energy in a chemical form that can be used like electricity. Its work is provided by the interaction of two metals in an acidic solution. When buying a battery, it is important to know the date of its production, as its service life will depend on it

How To Change The Ip Of The Router

How To Change The Ip Of The Router

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Various routers and routers are used to create mixed-type local networks. Most often, these devices act as an intermediary between the provider's server and the computers that are part of the network. It is necessary - network cable

How To Make A Load Fork

How To Make A Load Fork

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A plug is called a device for checking the state of charge of individual battery cells. This plug consists of a powerful pull-up resistor, a DC voltmeter and two test leads. Instructions Step 1 Find out what the voltage should be on a fully charged single battery bank from its instruction manual

What Is Battery Capacity

What Is Battery Capacity

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The life of a battery in a mobile phone or a battery in a car directly depends on such technical characteristics as capacity. Battery capacity refers to the amount of energy that a device can hold and release in a given unit of time. The higher the capacity, the longer the battery lasts

How To Charge AA Batteries

How To Charge AA Batteries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Finger-type batteries are charged both with the help of some devices in which they are usually used (phones, cameras, etc.), and with the help of autonomous network chargers, which are quite easy to find on sale. Note that this applies to virtually any battery format

USB Programmer (AVR): Description, Purpose

USB Programmer (AVR): Description, Purpose

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Sometimes radio technicians who are engaged in the design of electronic devices need to use microcontrollers in their designs. Microcontrollers need firmware - that's what programmers are for. What is a programmer? A programmer is a hardware-software device that is used to read or write information to a storage device (internal memory of microcontrollers)

How To Fold The Headphones

How To Fold The Headphones

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

All lovers of listening to music from a player or phone are familiar with the problem of tangled headphones. Here you fold them in the most neat way, put them in your bag … and next time you take out the headphones tangled with such knots that no sailor dreamed of

How To Choose A Diode

How To Choose A Diode

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Diodes are used in technology for various purposes: rectification, detection, decoupling, etc. They differ from each other in a number of parameters. The selection of a diode should be carried out depending on the requirements for them. Instructions Step 1 Regardless of which operation the diode will be used for, when choosing it, be sure to take into account such basic parameters as the maximum allowable forward current and reverse voltage

How To Connect Old Speakers

How To Connect Old Speakers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

It's no secret that older speakers sometimes produce much better sound quality than average computer speakers. But, unfortunately, such speakers have a different plug, and therefore, when connecting them, you need to take into account a number of subtleties

How To Write A Map To The Navigator

How To Write A Map To The Navigator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The navigator has become an obligatory attribute of a modern car: without it today it is like no hands. A set of maps is already available in the navigator from the manufacturer, but often you have to add new maps to the memory. You can update the map in the navigator from a professional or from an experienced car enthusiast who has been using the navigator for a long time

How To Improve The Print Quality Of Your Printer

How To Improve The Print Quality Of Your Printer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Printers can operate in various modes that differ in print quality and speed, as well as economy. In addition, during operation, they wear out and become dirty, which deteriorates the quality of the resulting printouts. Instructions Step 1 If you are using a dot matrix printer in text mode, use the buttons on the front panel to change the print quality

How To Connect A Guitar Processor

How To Connect A Guitar Processor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A guitar processor is a device for processing the signal of an electric guitar. It is a versatile device that can replace multiple pedals. Using the processor allows you to apply various effects. Their quality may be slightly worse than when using separate devices

How To Make An Infrared Camera

How To Make An Infrared Camera

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

An infrared camera allows you to shoot in twilight or complete darkness without disturbing people in the room. The image is bright and clear, but in black and white. It is necessary - camcorder, webcam, digital camera or phone with a camera

How To Make A Computer Gaming

How To Make A Computer Gaming

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Computer games are very demanding on system resources. That is why, in order to play well and with pleasure, you need to have a sufficiently powerful computer. It can be assembled by yourself. When assembling a gaming computer separately (buying components and assembling it), you must first look at the prices for goods in various stores

How To Choose A Subwoofer In A Car

How To Choose A Subwoofer In A Car

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If you want to achieve high-quality sound in your car, then you cannot do without a subwoofer, popularly just a “sub”. It reproduces low frequencies and thus creates bass. Instructions Step 1 Many reputable publications test different brands of subwoofers and talk about the pros and cons

How To Connect Passive Speakers

How To Connect Passive Speakers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The speaker system built into a computer is not always able to meet the increased requirements of the user. By connecting external speakers to your computer, you will be able to fully use the system's capabilities to ensure high-quality sound design for games, listening to music and watching videos

How To Remove Microphone Clutter

How To Remove Microphone Clutter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When working with microphones, the user often has to deal with various kinds of interference. Such interference can only be eliminated if the cause of its occurrence is known. Instructions Step 1 Determine the cause of the interference by its nature

How To Set Up A Walkie-talkie

How To Set Up A Walkie-talkie

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

For people who lead an active lifestyle, portable radios are sometimes needed. This class mainly includes walkie-talkies, for which no special permission is required, which can be registered without any special difficulties and documents. They operate in the 433 MHz frequency range

How To Determine The Base Of A Transistor

How To Determine The Base Of A Transistor

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

A bipolar transistor has three electrodes: an emitter, a collector, and a base. If the pinout of the device is unknown, it can be determined empirically. To do this, you can use a conventional ohmmeter. Instructions Step 1 Using a reference diode marked with a pinout directly on the case, determine what is the polarity of the voltage on the ohmmeter probes in resistance measurement mode

How To Choose An Hdmi Cable

How To Choose An Hdmi Cable

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

An HDMI cable is used to transfer video data between devices that have an HDMI connector. It is important to remember that this cable only allows you to transfer pictures, not sound. Therefore, to transmit sound, you need to buy an analog, optical or digital coaxial cable

How To Remove A Password On A USB Flash Drive?

How To Remove A Password On A USB Flash Drive?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The owner of the USB flash can protect it to prevent unauthorized access to data. Sometimes the password appears as an error. If such a problem appears, it can be difficult to remove it without losing data. Methods for solving this problem are different, and they can be applied depending on the specific case

How To Connect A Microphone To A Computer

How To Connect A Microphone To A Computer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Despite the fact that today the Internet is increasingly associated with the field of entertainment, it remains a convenient and powerful communication tool that allows you to connect people around the world. Skype and similar programs not only quite successfully replace long-distance telephone communication, but also allow videoconferencing - you only need access to the network