How To Pick A Good Gaming Headphone

How To Pick A Good Gaming Headphone
How To Pick A Good Gaming Headphone

Having decided to buy good headphones, almost everyone begins to imagine these devices in their imagination, their fancy shape, size, color, etc. Indeed, the market today is saturated with various goods and in order to choose a quality thing - in our case, headphones, you need to take a good look at all characteristics.

What you should pay attention to

It is necessary to choose headphones for games with all responsibility, since this thing will serve you faithfully for several years. The main parameters in this case include size, color, price and, of course, sound quality.

Professional headphones, in contrast to cheap fakes, are distinguished by their ergonomic design and improved sound quality. Their size is usually slightly increased, the plug is gold-plated - this significantly reduces signal attenuation.

Cup type

The type of cups can be open and closed. In the open, there is a connection with the environment, in the closed, the speakers are isolated from the outside world in cups. It is better to choose closed-type headphones in order to listen not to external noise, but only what is really necessary.


It is also necessary to pay attention to the sensitivity of the device - it can be low or high. Headphones with high sensitivity will sound much louder as the speaker will be able to respond to even the weakest signal. This parameter is measured in decibels and its limits should be somewhere from 100 to 120 dB / mW.


Resistance - the lower it is, the more current will pass through the headphones, which means they will sound louder. This parameter is ambiguous, since with a loud sound, the discharge of the batteries will be accelerated. Good models of computer headphones have impedance values of 200 to 600 ohms. If we talk about portable, then 16 to 64 ohms will be enough here.


The bow of the headphones can also be different, here as you like best. The classic version - she goes around her head and presses the cups to her ears. The bow should be of durable material and have a simple construction. There are also hooks, earbuds and intracanal (vacuum) hooks.

Frequency response

A few words about the frequency response. If the headphones are good, then the manufacturer will definitely indicate this characteristic. The human ear is capable of perceiving sound only in a specific range, therefore, the wider the border of this "tunnel", the more features can be discerned. The lower limit for good headphones should not be lower than 20 Hz, and the upper limit should not be more than 20 kHz. The frequency response on the graph should be in the form of a straight line, and the more “waves” on the graph, the more certain frequencies will drop out.

Nonlinear distortion

Another parameter, seemingly rather confusing, is nonlinear distortion. Try to imagine that the input is a signal in the form of a regular sine wave, and the output is a distorted signal due to harmonics. The difference in percentage to the main signal is shown as this parameter. The higher the headphone class, the lower the non-linearity value. The norm is an indicator from 0.5 to 2%.


In addition, it is necessary to refer to the country of origin. The place of production can have a huge impact on quality. Today, you can often find products from China on the shelves, but even from there, not all of them are of poor quality. It's still better to buy good gaming headphones from the USA or Germany. If we are talking about devices for mobile phones, then headphones from Finland and Korea deserve more attention than others.

Noise suppression

The noise cancellation system is another parameter that needs to be monitored. It is needed to suppress acoustic interference. Can be active or passive. The latter is used in budget headphones - just a special type of ear pads are made. For richer devices, an active system is used, which generates noise similar to interference, but only inverted by 180 degrees. This dampens almost 90% of unwanted noise. The disadvantages of the system can include some distortion of sound due to reflection from the cups, complete sound isolation from the outside world (you may not hear the signals of cars, the phone call or the voice of a person nearby). However, such devices will appeal to those who often travel on the subway, airplanes, buses and trains.


The power and size of the speakers may vary nowadays. Size is not the most important thing in modern headphones. Previously, the larger the device was, the louder it sounded. Now, small headphones can reproduce sound with such power that their predecessors “never dreamed of”. It is still easier with power, after checking all the indicators, try listening to music on headphones, if the sound is juicy and bright, then everything is in order, you can purchase.
