
How To Find Out Your Pin Code From The Beeline

How To Find Out Your Pin Code From The Beeline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When connected to most mobile operators, including Beeline, secret information in the form of PIN and PUK codes is given to the subscriber in a special sealed envelope along with a SIM card. These codes are a kind of passwords that protect against accidental access to the phone

How To Find Out Your Tariff In The Megafon North-West Network

How To Find Out Your Tariff In The Megafon North-West Network

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

It often happens that a subscriber, using the services of a mobile operator, is completely unfamiliar with the parameters of his tariff plan and with its name. If you are one of these users, you can act in several ways to find out your tariff

How To Cash Out From A Mobile Phone

How To Cash Out From A Mobile Phone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If you can put money on the phone, then you can also withdraw money from it. Today, there are a number of services on the Internet that allow subscribers to withdraw money from their phone accounts. It is necessary Phone, computer, Internet access, account in one of the payment systems

How To Use Points In A Megaphone

How To Use Points In A Megaphone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Bonus points in "Megafon" are awarded automatically to each subscriber, depending on the amount of money spent per month. The subscriber can use the accumulated points at his own discretion, exchange them for free SMS messages, minutes or Internet traffic packages

How To Turn Off Your Favorite Number

How To Turn Off Your Favorite Number

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

It's no secret that mobile operators sometimes "push" their subscribers to use initially free, and after a while significantly hitting their pocketbooks. If the previously activated "Favorite Number" service has lost its relevance, you can deactivate it by spending just a couple of minutes

How To Replace The Beeline Beep

How To Replace The Beeline Beep

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

To cheer up those with whom you often communicate, you can replace the usual beep on your phone with a melody or a set of jokes. And then you will not hear the irritated or sad voices of those who could not get through to you for a long time

How To Disable The "Weather" Service From Beeline

How To Disable The "Weather" Service From Beeline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If you no longer wish to use the "Weather" service previously connected to your phone, then you can deactivate it by dialing a special number. And by the way, at the same time you can be both a Beeline subscriber and MTS, Megafon, since the weather forecast is available at the tariffs of all the operators presented

How To Set Up A Satellite Dish Yourself

How To Set Up A Satellite Dish Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Satellite television is becoming more and more active in the life of Russians, a satellite dish on the roof or wall of a house has not been surprising for a long time. In most cases, the installation and configuration of a set of satellite equipment is performed by the masters of the company that sold it

How To Find An Address By Phone Number In St. Petersburg

How To Find An Address By Phone Number In St. Petersburg

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

To find a person by phone number in St. Petersburg, you can use the possibilities of various electronic directories and special Internet sites, or resort to off-line methods. It is necessary - access to the Internet; - telephone

How To Find Out The Mts Sim Card Number

How To Find Out The Mts Sim Card Number

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If you have a SIM card of the mobile operator MTS, you can easily find out its number. There are two simplest and most affordable ways to clarify this information. It is necessary Cellular telephone. Instructions Step 1 If you have a need to clarify the number of the MTS SIM card, you can do it in two radically different ways at once

How To Connect A Laptop To A Music Center

How To Connect A Laptop To A Music Center

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

You don't have to buy a powerful stereo system to listen to your favorite music from your laptop. After all, if the laptop has weak and quiet speakers, it can be connected to a music center, which will become a kind of amplifier in the "

How To Use The MTS Bonus

How To Use The MTS Bonus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

In an era of high competition, mobile operators are offering more and more bonus programs. MTS bonus is an opportunity for subscribers to receive additional minutes, free sms and Internet traffic. Instructions Step 1 To become a member of the MTS bonus program, you must fill out a form on the mobile operator's website ( http:

How To Check An Account On Intertelecom

How To Check An Account On Intertelecom

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Intertelecom is a large organization providing services for connecting to the CDMA telephone network and the Internet. To work with their own balance, including to check the account, the user must complete the registration procedure on the official website of the organization

How To Cancel The Service "Beep" MTS

How To Cancel The Service "Beep" MTS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The service of the operator of communication "MTS" allows you to replace monotonous beeps with the melody that you like. Also you can install any ringtone or song from the huge collection of "Music Box". You can activate and deactivate the "

How To Check The Balance Of MTS Connect

How To Check The Balance Of MTS Connect

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The MTC Connect 3G service offers stable access to the Internet via wireless data transmission channels. Thanks to the technology of the 3rd generation of communication, subscribers get mobile and fast access to the Internet, as well as the ability to be online throughout the territory without losing the connection

How To View The Clipboard

How To View The Clipboard

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

On the Windows operating system, you often use the clipboard, most likely you have not thought about it. The clipboard is a certain part of the RAM, which is allocated by the system for storing information (photos, videos, pictures). Simply put, any piece of text, image or file that you copy is placed on the clipboard to make the system easier to use

How To Add Music To Photos

How To Add Music To Photos

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

In blogs and on personal pages on social networks, you can find original designed slideshows in which photos change to music. There are many special programs available to create these slideshows, but most of them cost money. Meanwhile, there is also a free way to make a slideshow with music

How To Make A Homemade Antenna For A 3G Modem

How To Make A Homemade Antenna For A 3G Modem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

It is difficult to overestimate the main advantage of new generation communication (3g) - data transfer speed. It is capable of reaching 7 Mbps. However, unfortunately, this speed is available only to those who are near the base station, and the rest are forced to be content with the kilobytes of Internet traffic squeezed out using GPRS / EDGE

How To Transfer Money To "Life"

How To Transfer Money To "Life"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Mobile transfers from one mobile subscriber to another have become commonplace. Now there is no need to be afraid that the money will suddenly run out. You can always ask to replenish your account, even those who are also disconnected from the recharge points

How To Upload Music To Your IPod

How To Upload Music To Your IPod

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The Allpe iPod is a multifunctional device that allows you to play games, read books, and surf the Internet. In addition, this device is used as a music player. How do you download music to your iPod? It is necessary - iPod

How To Write A Message From Computer To Phone

How To Write A Message From Computer To Phone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Quite often it happens that there is no way to contact a person when it is necessary to do so. Send SMS from computer to phone. It is not only convenient, but also completely free. It is necessary computer, internet, ICQ, Skype Instructions Step 1 Go online

How To Make An Antenna For A TV

How To Make An Antenna For A TV

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

To watch TV, you need a high-quality TV signal, which means you need a good antenna that will pick up this signal and transmit it to your TV. In order for the antenna to work correctly, it must be matched to a specific frequency range. The better your antenna is and the better it is made, the brighter and better the television image on the screen will be

How To Replenish A Credit Account On Megafon

How To Replenish A Credit Account On Megafon

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Subscribers of many mobile operators have the ability to send calls and SMS even with a negative balance. Operator "Megafon" is no exception and offers customers communication on credit. It is necessary Service order number

How To Block A Beeline SIM Card Via The Internet

How To Block A Beeline SIM Card Via The Internet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

If the SIM card of your phone connected to the Beeline network is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged, you have the opportunity to quickly block it and get a new one almost immediately, while keeping your phone number, money on your account and tariff plan

How To Watch Mms In A Megaphone

How To Watch Mms In A Megaphone

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

For many users of the Megafon communication network, photos and video messages do not come to the phone, but to the company's server, about which the user is informed via SMS. Such forwarding occurs most often because the subscriber's phone is not configured to receive MMS messages

How To Check The Balance Of Mts Via The Internet

How To Check The Balance Of Mts Via The Internet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

In the era of development of electronic communication tools, more and more accessible and intuitively perceived services related to various services of everyday life are becoming. For example, over the decades, the services of cellular operators have increased

How To Find Out The Balance In Tele-2

How To Find Out The Balance In Tele-2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

TELE2 is one of the leading mobile operators in Russia, as well as in 10 other countries. Today the company has a little more than 28 million subscribers, 20 million of which are Russians. After purchasing a TELE2 SIM card, you can find out the account balance as follows

How To Change The MTS Tariff On The Internet

How To Change The MTS Tariff On The Internet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The mobile operator MTS offers many different tariffs, among which the unlimited ULTRA tariff, the MAXI Plus and Red Energy tariffs with profitable outgoing calls and convenient for those who go online from the phone, the MTS Connect tariffs are especially popular

How To Transfer Money From Your Phone To Yandex

How To Transfer Money From Your Phone To Yandex

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Yandex Wallet is a well-known electronic payment system that is designed to pay for services and goods via the Internet. The easiest way to replenish an e-wallet account is to transfer funds to it from a mobile phone. Instructions Step 1 If you are a subscriber of the mobile operator MTS or Beeline, dial on your mobile phone the combination:

How To Activate The Megaphone Bonus

How To Activate The Megaphone Bonus

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Mobile operator Megafon offers its subscribers, among other things, certain bonuses received for bonus points. Their accumulation occurs automatically, but their use is at the discretion of the client. Instructions Step 1 You can find out about the number of bonus points you have received by sending a free SMS message with the text "

How To Find The Address If You Only Know The Phone Number

How To Find The Address If You Only Know The Phone Number

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Sometimes it happens that from the contact details of a person there is only a phone number, and it is advisable to find his address of residence. In this case, there are several search methods, most of which are associated with the need to access the Internet

How To Assemble A Manual Meat Grinder

How To Assemble A Manual Meat Grinder

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Modern man is so accustomed to mechanized devices that, at times, he cannot even assemble a manual meat grinder. Indeed, what to do with all these incomprehensible pieces of iron. What is this pen for? What kind of screw? What kind of propeller?

How To Activate The "Favorite Numbers" Service On MTS

How To Activate The "Favorite Numbers" Service On MTS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

MTS allows its subscribers to activate the "Favorite Numbers" service. This means that calls to those people with whom you contact most often will be charged 2 times cheaper. A 50% discount is also provided if you send SMS and MMS to your favorite numbers

How To Unblock Channels On Satellite

How To Unblock Channels On Satellite

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Satellite equipment allows you to view both open-source and encrypted television channels. In the latter case, there are two options - to purchase an official TV-provider card or connect to a cardsharing server. This can be done using either a DVB card or a satellite receiver

How To Borrow Money On MTS

How To Borrow Money On MTS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

The mobile operator MTS provides its subscribers with two options for lending, in the event that the account suddenly runs out of money. It is quite easy to get a loan on MTS, and the amount depends on the amount of monthly expenses for communication services

How To Connect A Telephone Cable To A Telephone Wall Jack

How To Connect A Telephone Cable To A Telephone Wall Jack

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Do you want to install a wired telephone in a convenient place, but there is no socket for connecting it? Installing it is not difficult at all. Performing this operation yourself will take much less time than the tedious waiting of the operator

How To Disable The Tariff On Beeline

How To Disable The Tariff On Beeline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

When connecting to a Beeline mobile operator, in addition to the selected tariff plan, a large number of services are activated, for which an additional fee is charged. Disabling these tariff options will allow you to save money on your phone's personal account

How To Get A Printout Of Phone Calls

How To Get A Printout Of Phone Calls

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Some subscribers (if not even many) need to receive a printout of their phone calls. In fact, no mobile operator provides such a service, as they say on the official websites. The maximum they can offer you is to detail the invoice, that is, provide a list of numbers (incoming and outgoing), the duration of negotiations, their cost, and so on

How To Make Detailed Calls On The Beeline

How To Make Detailed Calls On The Beeline

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Call detailing allows you to accurately and quickly find out all the information of interest about outgoing calls. You need to order this service from your cellular provider. Instructions Step 1 For subscribers with a prepaid payment system, it is very easy to get this service quickly, it is enough just to enter the site and order detailing, although only an individual can do this, but a representative of the organization will still have to visit the company's

How To Take A Trust Payment Mts

How To Take A Trust Payment Mts

Last modified: 2025-01-24 10:01

Probably, everyone has come across an unpleasant situation when it is necessary to make an important call, but the money in the account has run out and there is no way to top up the balance. In such cases, the best way out is to use the promised (or trust payment) service