How To Find The Address If You Only Know The Phone Number

How To Find The Address If You Only Know The Phone Number
How To Find The Address If You Only Know The Phone Number

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Sometimes it happens that from the contact details of a person there is only a phone number, and it is advisable to find his address of residence. In this case, there are several search methods, most of which are associated with the need to access the Internet.


Step 1

Check out the telephone directory of the city. This method will help if you know the person's landline phone number. You can use a regular paper catalog, but they come out at regular intervals and often the information in them is outdated. In this regard, electronic directories will be more convenient. To do this, you need a computer and internet access.

Step 2

Use the source, which contains almost all telephones of cities in the CIS countries. Using the city code in the phone number, determine which city you need and select it from the list. Next, enter a known number in the search form and click the search button. As a result, you will receive information about the owner's surname and the address where this phone is installed.

Step 3

Use social media to find the address. In this case, there is a chance that the person you are looking for indicated their phone number and address in their contact information. Enter known information into the search form and find the address of the person you are interested in. This case can help to determine the data, both on a landline and on a mobile phone.

Step 4

Find the person's address through dedicated search sites. In this case, you must be extremely careful, since most of these resources will take payment, but they will not give out reliable information. For example, you can use the National Data Search website

Step 5

Remember that all such services require a certain payment for their services, but in general it is quite acceptable. Enter the information you know about the person, enter him and your phone number and click on the search request. After a while, you will receive an SMS message with an access code on your phone. Go through the authorization process and get the address you are looking for.
