How To Set The Rights 755 Iphone

How To Set The Rights 755 Iphone
How To Set The Rights 755 Iphone

Table of contents:


File access rights regulate the ability to access the required file. Rights 755 allow any user to read and open the executable file. On iPhone, changing access rights is possible only after jailbreak has already been performed using the specialized program iCommander.


Step 1

Go to the Cydia app store.

Step 2

Select the Search section at the bottom of the program window menu.

Step 3

Enter Hack & Dev Team Source in the search box. Select this repository from the list that appears after the search is complete.

Step 4

Click the Install button and confirm your choice with Confirm.

Step 5

Close the search window after installing the repository by clicking on Close Window.

Step 6

Return to the Search menu section and enter iCommander in the search field.

Step 7

Select iCommander from the list of programs that appears after the search is complete.

Step 8

Click the Install button and confirm your choice with Confirm.

Step 9

Close the Cydia app store.

Step 10

Restart your iPhone. ICommander is ready to go.

Step 11

Find the file or folder you want using the iCommander application.

Step 12

Click the blue arrow on the right side of the application window to open the service menu.

Step 13

Select the Permissions section.

Step 14

Enter 0755 in the Permissions field and click the Set button.

Step 15

Confirm the change of access rights to the desired file or folder by clicking the Done button at the top of the iCommander application window.

Step 16

Restart your iPhone. After the end of the reboot, you can freely use the required file.
