How To Make Your Own Hosting

How To Make Your Own Hosting
How To Make Your Own Hosting

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Every webmaster who decides to create his own commercial project has many questions. The success of the hosting being created largely depends on a number of factors. You need to have patience, a certain amount of money and knowledge of the English language, which you will need to read technical documentation, configure and install control panels.


  • - Dedicated server;
  • - server control panel;
  • - technical support staff.


Step 1

The most crucial stage is the choice of a server and a site for its placement. You can, of course, use the existing control panels to create hosting, which are offered by many modern hosting providers, but in this case the success of your project will be limited.

Step 2

First, select the data center from which you will buy a dedicated server. Familiarize yourself with the hardware of the selected Dedicators, learn more about maintenance, and if possible, pay a visit to the office of the selected company yourself to get a real idea of the state of the servers and the server room. A real data center does not depend on geographic location.

Step 3

Choose the software that suits you, with which you are more or less familiar. So, in order to maintain an IIS server running Windows, you will have to read a lot of configuration information and always be aware of all the vulnerabilities. It is important to install the latest system updates on time, because this is primarily a security issue. If you have made a choice in favor of Unix, then it is imperative to know how the system works and be able to handle the console.

Step 4

Decide on the time you plan to spend on hosting. Are you able to organize a staff of employees who will provide technical support 24 hours a day? Or will you do it yourself?

Step 5

Renting a server and installing a good hosting control panel cannot be cheap. To compete with other entrepreneurs, you will have to buy a more or less serious server. You can become a reseller of some well-known hosting by purchasing a part of the server from them. However, resellers do not have access to the project software and do not have the ability to independently restart the computer or restart a failed service. Because of this, the reputation of the project falls.

Step 6

Come up with a name for your host. Order a dedicated server or rent it.

Step 7

Buy the most suitable hosting panel and start marketing. And when the project starts to grow, then you can already think about hiring employees.
