How To Borrow Money On MTS Without Problems

How To Borrow Money On MTS Without Problems
How To Borrow Money On MTS Without Problems

A person does not face the problem of a negative balance as long as the benefits of civilization are nearby and there is an opportunity to quickly replenish the account. But money on mobile can run out on the road or during outdoor recreation. So that MTS subscribers do not experience temporary inconveniences and do not limit themselves in communication, they are given the opportunity to borrow money from MTS, and this can be done in several ways.

Promised payment service

For its subscribers, the mobile operator MTS offers the Promised Payment service, which is the fastest and easiest method of receiving money into an account. You can connect it in the following ways:

- dial the combination * 111 * 123 #, press the call button and receive up to 800 rubles on your account for use for 7 days;

- call 1113 and follow the operator's prompts;

- use the "Internet Assistant" (in the "Payment" section go to the "Promised payment" subsection).

The loan amount directly depends on how much the subscriber spends on communication, but he can decide on its equivalent on his own.

When ordering an amount less than 30 rubles, the service can be used free of charge. An order of 30 rubles or more will cost 7 rubles for each payment made.

Service "On full trust"

For those who want to pay for services for calls already made and communicate calmly for a month without fear of being blocked due to lack of funds, there is the MTS service "On Full Trust".

By connecting to the free service, the subscriber can borrow money on MTS using the limit of 300 rubles. If you continuously use the service "On Full Trust" for 6 months, then the operator increases the limit by 50% of the total costs.

To connect to the service, dial the USSD command * 111 * 32 # or use the "Internet Assistant" (in the "On full trust" section, go to the "Limit Management" subsection).

However, in order to be able to use the privileges of this service, the MTS operator has identified some criteria that must be met, namely:

  • full and timely payment for mobile services;
  • communication costs per month from 300 rubles;
  • using the services of the MTS operator from 3 months;
  • no debts to the MTS operator on other accounts.

Also, the service is not provided to subscribers who have tariff plans "Your Country", "Klassny", "MTS Connect", "Guest" and "MTS iPad".

Borrow money on MTS from friends

If for some reason it is not possible to borrow money on MTS from the operator, then you can contact your friends or relatives and top up your phone at their expense. To do this, MTS offers two free services: "Direct Transfer" and "Top up my account", which are available for each subscriber of this operator and do not require connection.

To use the "Direct Transfer" service, you should contact a friend and ask him to dial the combination * 112 * on his phone, the number that needs to be replenished * recharge amount # /.

The service "Top up my account" means sending an SMS to a friend or relative with a request, and he himself chooses how to do it. To do this, the subscriber who needs help must dial * 116 * subscriber's number # from his number, and the request will go to the addressee.

In the same way, you can specify the amount to be deposited into the account. Then the request will have the following form: * 116 * subscriber's number * the amount to be deposited into the account #.

In both cases, the subscriber's number in the request can be dialed in any of the following formats:

  • ten-digit mobile number;
  • +7 (ten-digit number);
  • 8 (ten-digit number);
  • 7 (ten-digit number).

Help out service

If it was not possible to borrow money on MTS using the indicated methods, then in extreme cases you can use the "Help out" service and make a call to an MTS subscriber at his expense. This can be done in the following two ways:

- on the territory of Russia, dial 0880 and after the answering machine answers, enter the ten-digit number of the subscriber who needs to be called;

- in international roaming, dial the request * 880 * ten-digit subscriber number # /.

The called subscriber receives a call, and the operator invites him to accept the call at his own expense.

The mobile operator takes care of its customers and provides them with several ways to borrow money from MTS, so that in unforeseen situations the subscriber always remains in touch and does not feel discomfort at the same time.
