How To Borrow Money On Beeline

How To Borrow Money On Beeline
How To Borrow Money On Beeline

Sometimes an emergency arises when the money on the phone runs out, and it is necessary to make a call. In such cases, the "Trust Payment" service comes to the rescue. Beeline, like many other operators, offers it to its customers. To get money on credit on Beeline, you need to meet some of the requirements provided by the mobile operator.

How much money can you borrow on Beeline

The Beeline operator can provide its customers with a different amount of debt. It depends on how much the client has spent his money in the last 3 months.

  1. If recently the subscriber was inactive and spent only 100 rubles on communication, then Beeline can provide a "Trust Payment" in the amount of only 30 rubles.
  2. If the amount of money spent was in the range from 100 to 1500 rubles, then the subscriber will be able to borrow 90 rubles on the Beeline.
  3. If a cellular customer has spent 1500-3000 rubles in the last 3 months, then you can receive a "Trust Payment" in the amount of 150 rubles.
  4. Well, if the amount spent on calls, SMS and other services over the past 3 months has exceeded 3000 rubles, then the subscriber can borrow 300 rubles on Beeline.

In addition to these conditions, in cases 3 and 4, Beeline requires additional ones from its subscribers. So, in the third case, in addition to the conditions already mentioned, the subscriber must have less than 60 rubles on the balance. In the fourth case, the subscriber must have less than 90 rubles on the account.

How to take "Trust Payment"

It is possible to borrow money on the phone at any time of the day, regardless of the work of the subscriber department. To receive the "Trust Payment" service, you just need to enter a USSD request with the code * 141 # and press the call button. Within a few minutes, the subscriber should receive a message with information on the loan. It displays data such as:

  • The amount of the loan provided;
  • Request processing status;
  • Date of debiting the subscriber's account.

It is worth noting that borrowed money on Beeline is provided for a period of 3 days. During this period, the subscriber must top up his account with at least the specified credit amount.
