How To Make A Matrix

How To Make A Matrix
How To Make A Matrix

Table of contents:


LED arrays use the principle of dynamic indication. This allows you to drastically reduce the number of wires from the indicator to the control device. Connecting LEDs into a matrix is a laborious process, but it pays off in the future by the simplicity of manufacturing the connecting cables and the control device itself.


Step 1

Take a panel of dielectric material with the required dimensions. Drill holes in it for LEDs in the required number. These holes should be of such a diameter that the LEDs can enter with little effort.

Step 2

For each of the LEDs, shorten the cathode leads in half, and leave the anode leads the same length.

Step 3

Insert the LEDs into the holes, aligning their leads in the same way. If the control circuit is designed in such a way that the keys driving the rows are connected to the cathodes of the LEDs and the driving columns to the anodes, arrange the diodes so that the imaginary lines connecting the cathode leads to the anode leads are directed vertically. Otherwise, arrange them so that the indicated imaginary lines are horizontal.

Step 4

Secure all LEDs with glue. Wait until it hardens completely.

Step 5

Connect the LED cathodes to each other with horizontal or vertical buses, depending on the configuration of the control circuit.

Step 6

Place insulating strips cut from plastic bottles between the cathode and anode leads of the diodes. Their width should be equal to two-thirds of the length of the anode leads. Secure them with a little glue as well.

Step 7

Connect the LED anodes with horizontal or vertical busbars, also depending on the configuration of the control circuit.

Step 8

Verify that all LEDs of the matrix are functional by alternately connecting the battery with a resistor in the correct polarity to the row and column terminals.

Step 9

Connect the resistors in series with either the cathode or anode bus bars of the matrix.

Step 10

Connect the finished LED matrix correctly to the control circuit. Make sure the display is showing and that the device is operating correctly.

Step 11

If necessary, de-energize the control circuit, carry out soldering in the required places, or replace the faulty LEDs, and then check the matrix performance again.
