How To Check The Product Code

How To Check The Product Code
How To Check The Product Code

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Each product has its own identification mark - a code, by checking which you can learn a lot about the manufacturer and the requirements for the manufacture of goods according to various standards.


Step 1

Go online. There are many different sites where you can check your product code in seconds. Please note that this code confirms the originality and belonging of the product to a particular manufacturer, but does not guarantee its quality. The reputation of the manufacturer should be the guarantor of the quality of any product. His product must be certified by the relevant authorities, after which he receives the status of a consumer product.

There are two types of encoding: 12 and 13 digits. The first type means that the products were manufactured in the USA or Canada, the second - that in one of the European countries. You can often come across a situation when a product, for example, says that it was produced in France, but the encoding does not indicate this. Don't sound the alarm right away. This may mean that the manufacturing company is registered in the aforementioned country, in accordance with this product and assigned such a product code.

Step 2

Contact the consumer protection society. There you can not only establish the authenticity of the product code, but also, if necessary, make a claim to the seller of the goods or directly to the manufacturer. Whether it is a food product, appliances, detergent or clothing, you can always find out who is the manufacturer by the corresponding code on the product label.

Step 3

Download the product code table. This is a large database that appears on the Internet in a slightly outdated version, for example, last year, but if you need to verify the authenticity of a product code that has been on the market for quite some time, then such a table is for you.

Step 4

For ease of use, it is best to download a database tied to a specific region, because, as you yourself understand, there are a great many product codes today. If you are interested in the codes of goods of an American manufacturer, then indicate this in the search bar of any resource convenient for you to get the expected result.
