How To Connect To Akado

How To Connect To Akado
How To Connect To Akado

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It is difficult to make a choice among the huge number of Internet providers on the market. When you decide on a provider, you may have questions about connecting to a company you like. Below we will talk about connecting to one of the largest providers - the Akado company.


a computer with Internet access or a telephone


Step 1

Visit the official website of the company and check if your home is connected to the Akado network. This can be done in three ways:

- call the company's round-the-clock support service at the phone number in Moscow (495) 231-44-44;

- check with a consultant in one of the sales offices (from 9.00 to 21.00, office addresses are available on the company's website);

- on the official website when placing an application for connection.

Step 2

Select a tariff plan and Internet speed: 2000/4000/8000/16000 Kbps. Consider the fact that the amount of monthly payments will depend on the selected speed. Please note that each tariff plan is specially designed for specific requirements. Objectively evaluate what you need the Internet for. This will save you some money.

Step 3

You can register a connection in three ways:

- by calling technical support specified in step 1;

- in person at the office;

- on the company's website.

Step 4

To make a connection on the company's website, you need to click on the selected tariff plan. The system will automatically redirect you to the Akado online store. Here you can familiarize yourself with all the features of this tariff plan and by clicking the "Add to cart" button, you can proceed to the registration of the connection. After clicking the "Checkout" button in the lower left corner of the screen, the order confirmation window will load, in which you can check whether your house is connected to the general Akado network, as well as enter your personal data (name, phone number, address). In this field you can calculate your first payment, as well as get acquainted with the special offers of the company. After you fill out this form, click on the "Send" button, and an employee of the company will contact you as soon as possible, who will clarify the rest of the details of your connection.
