Failed To Set Up Contactless Payment: What To Do

Failed To Set Up Contactless Payment: What To Do
Failed To Set Up Contactless Payment: What To Do

The real discovery of recent years is contactless payment. One of the most convenient innovations that facilitates the process of paying for goods and services. The process of setting up the settlement system is becoming clearer every year. But it so happens that difficulties arise during installation. What to do in this case?

Pros of contactless payment

Undoubtedly, this method has its advantages, since contactless payment facilitates the payment process itself.

Convenience. You can pay for purchases both by card and mobile phone. Also, in recent years, new devices with contactless payment technology have appeared. To do this, you just need to touch the device to the reading terminal, and the purchase will be automatically paid. At the beginning, of course, you need to make sure that the amount on the terminal corresponds to that declared on the product.

Speed. Payment takes place almost instantly. And on the phone, if a mobile bank is installed in it, you will immediately receive a notification about the withdrawal of funds. If the amount does not exceed 1000 rubles, then the owner does not have to enter the PIN code from the card or sign the check every time. Why exactly 1000 rubles? If the card suddenly disappears or is stolen, the thief will not be able to make purchases for large amounts without knowing the PIN code from the card. Therefore, there is time to block it.

Safety. Control over the payment process. It is not necessary to hand the card into the hands of the cashier, since the owner himself applies it to the terminal. Money also cannot be charged twice. After the first payment, the terminal will give a signal about the payment and will automatically turn off.

Reasons for problems when setting up contactless payment

Often, on the screen of mobile devices, you can see a notification - “Failed to set up contactless payment”. This happens when trying to use Google Pay (Android Pay) or linking a bank card.

  1. Non-original firmware. The device may have uncertified firmware, or one that is already outdated. As a result, it simply interferes with the correct operation of the application;
  2. ROOT rights or "Administrator rights" of the device. If for any reason the owner obtained these rights, an error often occurs with the text - "Contactless payment is disabled." What does it mean? The function will not be available in the "superuser" (root) mode;
  3. Unlocked bootloader on your phone.

What if I can't set up contactless payment?

Most often, owners of phones from the Xiaomi Mi line are faced with this error. The solution to this problem with other brands is roughly the same.

Official firmware

In this case, outdated versions prevent users from successfully applying contactless payments. When this problem occurs, you need to check for existing updates, before that, connect to Wi-Fi. Then go to "Settings" - "About device" - "MUIU version" - "Settings" in the form of three dots in the upper right corner.

Then you need to put the slider in active mode in the "Automatic updates" field.

How do I disable ROOT rights?

The superuser option also often blocks the launch of contactless payments. To check, you will need to download the SuperSU utility (an additional application from the Play Market). It is not worth downloading software from third-party sources, since the likelihood of injecting a virus on a smartphone is quite high. Then go to "Settings" - Complete removal of ROOT rights ", where you need to agree on all points, and then restart the device.

How can I check the bootloader?

Bootloader or bootloader mode is a program that is activated at the moment when the user wants to access the kernel of the operating system. The app is included not only on Android system, but also on Mac. The bootloader is generally locked on Android devices because manufacturers don't want smartphone owners to be able to change their phone version, sticking with Android.

If the downloader is in active mode, then Google Pay will prevent the card from being linked.

What else can affect the installation of contactless payments?

  1. Active NFC option in "Settings" - "More";
  2. You can try to change the wallet from HCE to SIM in the Security Element Location tab;
  3. The "Battery and performance" tab: you need to find the "GP" option and set all permissions and the "Unlimited" mode for it;
  4. Set up Google Pay permissions. In the payment settings, you must set - "Payment with one touch". In the line "Means of payment" - GP or AP.

Setting up Google Pay

What is the application for?

  • With its help, the owner of the smartphone can pay for purchases in the official Google services;
  • Pay for apps, make purchases on websites;
  • Conduct money transfer transactions.

Google Pay setup process

  1. First, you need to make sure that the phone is running Android OS version 5 or higher;
  2. Install Google Pay from the Play Market;
  3. Open the application, add a card: expiration date, number, name / surname and CVC code;
  4. Go to the "Settings" of the phone - "Wireless networks" - "Additional functions";
  5. Turn on NFC mode, select Google Pay as the main application for payment transactions;
  6. In the line "Primary payment method" select Android Pay.

If the owner of the smartphone has attached the Sberbank card to the payment system, then if there is an official Sberbank Online application, it will be possible to simply upload it to Google Pay. Then, in the application itself from the bank, a function will be displayed - "Add to Android Pay". Further instructions will be visible on the screen.

How do I pay with Google Pay?

To do this, simply unlock the screen of the device, bring it to the terminal. Then a message about successful payment will appear on the screen.

What if Google Pay is not supported by my smartphone?

Most often this happens due to an outdated version of the phone itself or damage to the NFC chip in the device.
