How A Cell Phone Affects Human Health

How A Cell Phone Affects Human Health
How A Cell Phone Affects Human Health

Cell phones have become an indispensable device for most people. They replace not only a landline telephone for us, but also a music player, camera, clock and alarm clock. A mobile phone helps to stay always in touch, because it is close to a person. We buy phones for our children so that we can find out at any time if everything is in order. Is everything really so rosy?

Indeed, a cell phone is a useful and irreplaceable thing. Manufacturers of modern mobile devices claim that the units do not harm human health, but scientists studying the effects of electromagnetic research from a mobile phone say the opposite.

Recent studies have shown that there is electromagnetic radiation from cell phones, and it affects the nervous system, heart and reproductive organs of a person.

The harm of a mobile phone is difficult to express in numbers, because there is not enough data, and the market is constantly replenished with new mobile gadgets.

There is an assumption that during a prolonged conversation on a cell phone, human brain tissue heats up, cell mutation occurs, and in especially serious cases a brain tumor may occur. But there is not enough evidence for such a theory, and phone calls in this case should be long and continuous over a long period of time. However, frequent use of the phone can lead to headaches, malfunctioning of the immune system, and a decrease in resistance to viral and colds.

According to the WHO recommendation, should a child buy a cell phone before the child reaches 10 years of age. Electromagnetic radiation from a cell phone can negatively affect the development of the child's brain and internal organs, and lead to the development of autism, meningitis or oncology. A mobile phone can adversely affect not only the health of a child, but also harm his psychological and mental development, causing restless sleep, constant drowsiness and lethargy, reduced immunity, memory impairment. Prolonged games or chatting in instant messengers can lead to a deterioration in the child's eyesight.

Despite the fact that research into the harm from cell phones continues, there are no clear conclusions that certain diseases are associated with the use of a cell phone. In addition to the telephone, electromagnetic radiation is present from the TV and computer, all household appliances, the highest rates are in microwave ovens. The state of the environment also leaves much to be desired, especially in giant cities, so blaming a cell phone for the appearance of a particular disease is simply stupid.

To minimize the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation, certain conditions must be observed.

Adults are recommended to use a headset during a conversation, which allows you not to hold the phone near your head or use a speakerphone.

Many experts who study electromagnetic radiation from cell phones advise against talking on the phone in cars and metal garages, believing that electromagnetic waves are reflected from the metal case and increase their effect on the human body. In addition, a person talking on the phone while driving a car can cause a traffic accident.

It is better to put the phone away during sleep, because its radiation can negatively affect the nervous system and cause sleep disturbances.

Scientists do not recommend carrying the phone close to the body, for example, on a trouser belt or in a pocket, but putting it in a bag to minimize harm to internal organs.
