How Video Games Affect The Human Brain

How Video Games Affect The Human Brain
How Video Games Affect The Human Brain

A rare person today does not know what video games are. And for some, they have become a real addiction. Developers annually release projects with original graphics, characters and stories. But let's think about how video games affect the human brain? How useful or harmful is this hobby?

Since its inception, there have been mixed opinions about video games. Some experts praised them tirelessly, while others, on the contrary, disapproved and even demonized them. In this regard, a study was conducted to assess the impact of video games on the human brain. As a result, structural and functional changes were revealed in all parts of the brain. Specifically, in neural fibers that connect to the temporal, visual cortex, hippocampus and thalamus. All of this demonstrates both the positive and negative effects of video games on the human body.

  • On the positive side is training for long-term focus and selective attention. What does it mean? Experienced gamers are able to focus for a long time on performing several tasks at the same time or studying a large block of information. This applies not only to games, but also to reality.
  • Also, hobby for video games contributes to the development of visual-spatial thinking. That is, the gamer's perception and orientation in space improves (or sharpens).
  • A positive effect on the right hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and memories, has also been noted.

In the course of the study, negative conclusions were also made. And they have to do with the installation or the main goal of any video game - getting approval and reward. The fact is that it increases the production of dopamine, which stimulates adrenergic receptors. A similar effect on the brain and nervous system can be observed in people with drug and alcohol addiction. And it is with this feature that gambling addiction is associated. Gamers also experience cider withdrawal, i.e. withdrawal from prolonged abstinence from video games.
