What Harm Does A Mobile Phone Cause To Health?

What Harm Does A Mobile Phone Cause To Health?
What Harm Does A Mobile Phone Cause To Health?

The modern world is already difficult to imagine without gadgets. The main ones are mobile phones. Business people, students, even children literally do not let go of them. But scientists have been seriously worried lately. After all, users often forget or do not know at all what harm a mobile phone can cause to their health.

According to microbiologists from Arizona (USA), every mobile phone is a real planet of various microbes. Their number is dozens of times greater than the number on a seat in public transport. Fearfully? And all this is due to the fact that the gadget is with us everywhere: on the street, at home, in the car and even in the toilet. In addition, we share it with other people to view photos, videos, and listen to music. This is how microbes are exchanged. They undermine our immune system and are sources of various diseases.

In 2010, the term “nomophobia” appeared. This is a restless, uncomfortable state of mind of a person without a mobile phone, or when his charge approaches zero. In scientific language, this phenomenon sounds like “no mobile phone phobia”, or “phobia without a mobile phone. And this is not a joke. In this state, a person experiences real stress, equal to a trip to the dentist.

Mobile phones negatively affect our memory. They are a repository of a large amount of information, so the user does not need to remember something. Dates, phone numbers, notes and more can be put into a small gadget. As a result, due to lack of training, memory begins to weaken and deteriorate over time, and we become more and more dependent on a mobile phone.

New mobile screen technologies have yet to be explored. And users are increasingly complaining of eye fatigue and decreased vision. Ophthalmologists all over the world have long sounded the alarm and warned that long-term work with a computer and a mobile phone negatively affects our eyes. Today, there are even the terms "digital eye strain" and "computer vision syndrome". In fact, they are one and the same phenomenon.

On average, a person spends seven hours a day on a smartphone. The almost immobile state of the head, neck, concentration on the screen cause a number of negative phenomena. Among them are headaches, poor blood circulation, neck pain, blood pressure surges, poor sleep, depressive conditions and much more.


Of course, it is impossible to completely exclude a mobile phone from life. But you can limit the time you work with it. When changing surroundings, wipe with antibacterial wipes. You can devote one day a week to absolutely live communication with friends and family, leaving your favorite gadget at home. By the way, at night he can also be given rest and turned off.
