How To Charge Batteries

How To Charge Batteries
How To Charge Batteries

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Surely each of you has seen or dealt with nickel-cadmium batteries (rechargeable batteries) at least once. If you cannot remember what it is, it is enough to remember what batteries the first digital cameras worked on. Modern models also run on batteries, but of a different composition. Nickel-cadmium batteries are used in a wide variety of devices, the most common of which is a wireless mouse.


Step 1

Among the known methods of charging this type of batteries, the purchase of a charger stands out. And if your hands are in place and in the closet there are a dozen old radio components, there is no point in spending money on something that you can do with your own hands, especially absolutely free. The main advantage of this circuit (shown in the figure) for charging nickel-cadmium batteries is the automatic shutdown of the power supply when fully charged and protection against short circuits.

Step 2

According to this scheme, it is necessary to stock up on all the radio components present in the diagram, which are probably in your pantry. You may need to go to the nearest radio parts store. You will also need a printed circuit board, battery box, and a plastic case. If you have worked on the development of circuits before, it will not be difficult for you to assemble this circuit too.

Step 3

First, take a piece of PCB and apply control points to it. Use a drill with a very thin drill bit. An excellent replacement would be a screwdriver - it makes it possible to drill in different directions and at different speeds.

Step 4

After drilling the holes, it is necessary to apply all the tracks with nitroglycerin, and then etch the charger circuit. Once completely dry, arm yourself with a soldering iron and suitable parts. It remains to solder all the connections, as well as fix the box for the rechargeable batteries. The charger is ready.
