What Is A Smartphone Dock For?

What Is A Smartphone Dock For?
What Is A Smartphone Dock For?

Docking stations have long been one of the popular smartphone accessories. Each manufacturer has a priority to make sure that his smartphone is the most convenient to use. At one time, Nokia began to supply its devices with a docking station in the kit. The convenience of this accessory is undeniable, but still, what are its features and how to choose it?

What is a docking station for?

It functions as a charger and at the same time a convenient stand. You place your smartphone in a specific area by inserting the accessory connector into the desired connector. As a result, the device is placed steadily, while being charged. You can additionally install some applications for the docking station so that at the time of charging, the information you need is displayed on the smartphone, for example, time with date, weather, etc. Very often, docking stations can be found in offices - a smartphone in this form becomes more useful on the desktop.

And some docking stations already have additional features. In this regard, Samsung products excelled. First of all, I would like to immediately note Samsung DeX - a very expensive docking station that can turn a smartphone into a real computer, allowing you to connect a keyboard, mouse, monitor to it. There are options with built-in audio system.

Often, docking stations for Android smartphones only have a footprint. But you can also find unique models: with the ability to simultaneously charge two or more smartphones. A good option if you have a shortage of outlets at home.

Tablet options

But for tablet computers, docking stations are of a slightly different nature. It is a small detachable keyboard - with it the "tablet" will look like a real laptop. Such a docking station also consists of an additional connector, a battery. It is easiest to buy a tablet with such a gadget right away than to look for it separately later. Most often, it is the Windows-based tablets that have a version with a keyboard. But tablets on Android are rarely supplemented with such a keyboard.

How to choose a docking station

If you have a Samsung smartphone, then you should choose DeX, even though this gadget has a high price. But this option is appropriate if you need to connect the device to a monitor. And so it is quite possible to get by with universal docking station options - they are sold in Russian stores, or you can easily order on Chinese sites, for example, a large selection is presented on Aliexpress.

But remember that a universal accessory is only called that - in fact, it is not universal at all. The iPhone dock must have a Lightning connector. There are options with USB Type-C and micro-USB connectors. If you also have a smartwatch, look for a combined docking station with two platforms - for a phone and a watch.


Now many manufacturers produce a wide variety of docking stations. But often they simply repeat the functionality of each other, the main difference lies only in the design of the stations themselves. Therefore, there is no difficulty in choosing such an accessory, only if you are looking for a truly unique model with built-in speakers or some other additional functions. And so it is quite possible to get by with the purchase of a copy suitable for your smartphone.
