How To Find Out My Subnet

How To Find Out My Subnet
How To Find Out My Subnet

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Subnet availability depends on your internet connection option. Connection can be made via modem, optical fiber or cable. The last option is the most common.


Step 1

Go to the Start button menu. Select the "Run" item by clicking on it with the left mouse button. In the window that appears, at the command line, enter cmd. Press the Enter key. After that, a console window should appear on your monitor screen. Enter ipconfig in it. Hit Enter. After a while, a window will appear in which you can find out your subnet. There will be comprehensive information about all network connections and devices used.

Step 2

Notice the line labeled "IP Address". It consists of four groups of numbers separated by dots. Example ip address: There can be a lot of options. Pay attention to the third number. In this case, 232 is your subnet. Below, in the same window, the address of the default gateway in the existing network will be indicated. It might look like this: The same window will display the subnet mask or, in other words, the range of possible values of the addresses of the existing network. For example:

Step 3

Use an internet service to determine the subnet. There are a lot of similar resources. The most popular are Yandex resources. Using it, you can not only find out the real address of your subnet and your external ip-address, but also measure the speed of the Internet connection, which will allow you to establish whether your provider is fully providing you with the promised services.

Step 4

Click on the "Measure connection speed" button. You will be shown the highest and minimum speed values for a certain period of time, as well as all the information of interest regarding the connection subnet of your personal computer. If you want to get more detailed information about your provider, enter your ip-address in the search bar of this resource.
