How To Make A Radio Remote Control

How To Make A Radio Remote Control
How To Make A Radio Remote Control

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First of all, there are a lot of radio remote controls, and they can be purchased in many stores. The question is how, suppose, to make a radio-controlled pyrotechnic remote control for remote detonation of several charges at once? After all, such a device would be ideal for holding a festive New Year's pyroshow.


Step 1

Get yourself a so-called "Remote Control". You can get it in large construction hypermarkets, and it serves so that you can control any equipment in the house without getting up from the couch. It is inexpensive (about 400r), but there are a lot of benefits from it. Let's look at the example of the Chinese Digital Remote Control Swich.

Step 2

Decide on the power supply that you will use for your future remote control. If it is 220V, then nothing needs to be redone, but usually the power comes from 9-12V, so it is necessary to change the control unit circuit. To do this, disassemble the device block and short-circuit the capacitor and choke using a jumper. You can't just connect the batteries, because the capacitor will not let direct current from them

Step 3

Put the receiver back together. From now on, it can be powered from a 9-15V source. It can be either a rechargeable battery or regular batteries. Remember that at a lower voltage, the relay will not work, and at a higher voltage, the microcircuit may burn out.

Step 4

Choose a suitable plastic box that will house the control box, wires and batteries. The lid of the box will contain LEDs, a toggle switch and "tulips" for wires. Place everything compactly inside and secure. So that nothing dangles inside, glue foam rubber to the lid.

Step 5

Make markings in the cover for the fittings of the parts and drill the holes. Assemble the tulips and join them together. Solder a common negative wire from the remote control to them.

Step 6

Glue the LEDs. Direct one wire of the LED to the common wire of the control unit, and connect the other to the second contact of the "tulip". Solder 3 channels from the control unit here. Mount the toggle switch and connect it between the control box and the power supply. Then tuck the wires neatly and close the cover.
