How To Turn On The Keyboard Backlight

How To Turn On The Keyboard Backlight
How To Turn On The Keyboard Backlight

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Owners of a mobile phone or smartphone have noticed that the telephone backlight, and not only the screen, but also the keyboard, drains the battery of the device to a large extent. In some situations, this is very inappropriate. Therefore, the backlight is often turned off, and then they cannot find the option to turn it on.


Step 1

Take your cell phone. Open the mobile device menu and select the Settings menu. Enter the general phone settings. Select there the item "Backlight settings" or any other that can be associated with the actions to turn on and off the phone backlight function. So, for example, in simple phones from the famous manufacturer Samsung, this parameter is called "Display brightness settings".

Step 2

Open the main menu, if you are the owner of Nokia smartphones on the Symbian platform, and select "Control Panel" there, then go to the general settings, as a rule, this is the first item, go to the "Light sensor" section and enable or disable the keyboard backlight or make it brighter / dimmer, decrease or increase the brightness of the display. Also select the desired function for the flashing indicator light.

Step 3

To enable or disable the keyboard backlight in Samsung smartphones, follow the steps below. Open the configuration settings on your mobile device. Select the "Menu" item, which is responsible for customizing the appearance of the device. Enter the selected item and turn on or off the backlight of the smartphone.

Step 4

Remember, many manufacturers hide the keyboard settings (turning on / off the backlight) so far that in some cases you still have to read the manual for the mobile device and find yourself instructions on how to turn on the keyboard backlight functionality and turn it off.

Step 5

Attention! When performing actions to turn on the keyboard backlight in a mobile phone or smartphone, remember the sequence of your actions so that later you can easily disable the specified function in the same way, simply by checking or unchecking the corresponding checkbox.

Step 6

Keep in mind that most modern phone models have a "power saving" mode, which also allows you to turn on or turn off the keyboard backlight by pressing the power button.
