How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On Mobile Devices

How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On Mobile Devices
How To Take A Screenshot Of The Screen On Mobile Devices

A screenshot is a snapshot that shows the desktop with all open files on it. Many people know that it is easy to make it on a PC. It is enough to press the PrtSc / SysRq key, and then press Ctrl + V in any graphical editor. And that's it, the screenshot is ready. But smartphones do not have such a button. And users don't know what to do if necessary.

How to take a screenshot on Windows Phone

The manufacturers have made it so that on all mobile phones with Windows Phone 8.1, the screenshot is taken the same way. To do this, you just need to hold down the power button and simultaneously press the volume up button. The resulting screenshot will be automatically saved in the "Screenshots" album.

For Windows Phone 8, taking a screenshot is also easy. You need to hold down the button with the Windows icon and at the same time press the power key of the smartphone. The screenshot is ready, you just have to look at it in the "Photos" folder.

How to take a screenshot on Android

But the manufacturers of smartphones based on Android did not take care of the identical methods of creating a screenshot on all models. Perhaps this is due to the huge number of different models. For example, on Nexus models from LG, Asus and Samsung, the volume down button and the smartphone power button are pressed. And for HTC and Samsung Galaxy S 2 - S4, you must simultaneously press the center button and the lock key. The buttons need to be held down for a while and then the characteristic sound of the triggered camera will appear. The photo will be saved in the gallery in the screenshots folder.

How to take a screenshot on iOS

You can take a screenshot on any Apple devices by simultaneously pressing and holding the 2 Home keys and the lock. The created photo will be saved in the "Camera Roll" folder.
