How To Locate Your Phone

How To Locate Your Phone
How To Locate Your Phone

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Unfortunately, none of us can insure ourselves against the loss of a mobile phone. However, using the various tools that will be discussed later, it is possible to locate the phone and return it.


Step 1

To do this, you need to install an appropriate application on your mobile phone that can remotely determine the coordinates. And if there is a GPS module in the phone, which is built into many modern devices, personal data is blocked and deleted.

Step 2

Anti-theft dialing programs for mobile devices can locate the phone. After sending an SMS from any other number ("# Locate # your code", where "your code" is the password entered during the registration of the program), a message is received with the coordinates of the location of the missing mobile phone.

Step 3

It is possible to remotely control the phone through commands in the form of SMS messages: # LOCK # your code. In this case, your lost mobile device is blocked, which only you can unblock.

Step 4

When you enter the SMS "# WIPE # your_code", any personal information that is on the cell phone and memory card is deleted.

Step 5

In the event of an unexpected disappearance of a mobile phone, its location can be determined by the assigned IMEI number that each mobile phone has and is identified in the network. This method makes it possible to establish not only the coordinates of the cell phone, the number of the SIM card that is installed in it, but also the numbers of outgoing and incoming calls. True, only mobile operators provide such a service after the owner's application to the police and if there is a package from the phone with a check.

Step 6

To determine your own IMEI number, the key combination * # 06 # is dialed or this number can be printed on the package from the phone.

Step 7

You can also track the location of the device using a special service that determines the level of the signal received from the phone to the nearest base station of the telecom operator. This service is provided by mobile operators.

Step 8

The accuracy of the method depends on where the base stations are located and what the distance between them is. Setting coordinates is possible only when the device is turned on.
