How To Replace The Battery In The Player

How To Replace The Battery In The Player
How To Replace The Battery In The Player

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Almost all modern MP3 players are powered by batteries of various sizes. Sooner or later they wear out. How these components are replaced depends on the design of the player.


Step 1

There are players that are powered by batteries compatible with Nokia BL series phones. Turn off the power of such a device, disconnect it from the USB port after safely removing the device, and then slide the cover on the back of the player. Pry up the battery and remove it. Come with him to the communication salon and ask which of the BL series batteries is suitable for him. Hand over the old battery for recycling at DEZ, and put the new one in place, orienting it in the same way as the old one was located, and close the lid.

Step 2

If your player is powered by a single AAA battery, purchase a battery of the same size with as much capacity as possible. It must be nickel metal hydride. Also purchase or assemble a charger that can charge one battery of this size, not just two at a time. Select the charging current in milliamperes equal to 0.1 of the capacity expressed in milliampere-hours. To install and remove the battery, open the battery compartment in the same way as you did earlier when changing the battery. Observe the polarity.

Step 3

Miniature players with built-in batteries are gaining popularity. Before replacing the battery, also disconnect such a device from the USB port, having previously carried out safe removal. Then turn off its power and disassemble with a screwdriver. If hex screws are used, use special screwdrivers designed for repairing mobile phones. You will find a battery inside, connected to the board with two wires through the connector. Usually one of the wires is black and the other is red. These are, respectively, the negative and positive poles of the battery.

Step 4

In case the battery is connected to the player's board via a connector, simply disconnect it, remembering how this connector was oriented. If it is soldered, solder it out, avoiding short circuits, and remembering the places where the negative and positive poles are connected. Take the battery, also avoiding short circuits, to the store where spare parts for the players are sold, and buy a new one of the same. Then connect it through the connector or by soldering, observing the polarity.

Step 5

A possible situation when the store has a battery that is completely suitable in size, electrical parameters and electrochemical system, but has a different connector. Cut the connector from the old battery and solder to the wires of the new one, observing the polarity, then carefully insulate the solder points. Do not cut both wires at the same time, as this may cause a short circuit.
