How To Pierce A Mobile Phone

How To Pierce A Mobile Phone
How To Pierce A Mobile Phone

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We all are faced with situations when it is required to find out any information about a person. Despite the fact that most methods of searching for such information are not entirely legal, this information is not always needed for criminal purposes. Sometimes we are just trying to protect ourselves from the caller who is calling and not picking up the phone. In such cases, it is useful to punch his mobile.


Step 1

Refer to the search services that you will find in large numbers on the pages of the global Internet. Sites where it is proposed to pierce not only mobile phones of different telecom operators, but also to determine the location of the subscriber are present in great abundance.

Step 2

Remember that you can become a victim of scammers and be deceived when you pay for the service. Most often, you are asked to send an SMS message to a short number to gain access to the information you are interested in. The cost of such an SMS is usually not high. In fact, after sending an SMS, they will withdraw many times more from your account and the mobile balance will go far beyond the zero mark. Naturally, there will be no one to make claims.

Step 3

Punch your mobile phone at the point of payment for cellular services. To do this, you need to know that when you replenish your cell phone account, the manager sees your personal data, which you yourself indicated when concluding an agreement with a cellular service provider. Go to the "military" trick and figure out how to find out the information you need from the salon manager. The result will depend on your bluffing skill. If they don't tell you anything, don't be discouraged. Feel free to go to another payment point and try there. In one of them, you will definitely be lucky.

Step 4

Punch a mobile number through the database of cellular operators. Such bases can be found on handicraft disks purchased at one of the radio electronics markets in the numbers you can punch not one, but as many as you like.

Step 5

Find acquaintances in law enforcement and try to find out the necessary information through them. They have the right to find out any information about the subscriber available from the mobile operator. The truth is not for personal purposes, which makes this method not very legal. But if you are determined, then go ahead.
