How To Pierce A Cell Phone

How To Pierce A Cell Phone
How To Pierce A Cell Phone

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People pierce mobile phones with different intentions and these intentions do not always pursue selfish goals. But in any case, you should know that by punching the phone of a stranger, you are invading his privacy, which is a violation of the criminal code.


Step 1

Buy a carrier database. You can find it on sale on handicraft disks in the markets where they sell radio electronics (Budenovsekiy, Savelovskiy, Mitinskiy). Remember that such databases do not always contain reliable information, and before using it, you will need to double-check everything. Try asking friends and acquaintances for the presence of a telecom operator base with them. This will help save your budget and not waste time looking for it.

Step 2

Use search engines that can be found on the global web. They can be both paid and free. Use free search engines first, and only then move on to paid services. This procedure will save your budget. Remember that when you turn to paid search, you pay for it by sending an SMS message or through an electronic wallet. The actual cost of a message to a short number may differ from the one indicated on the site at times, so be careful and check it beforehand. On the Internet, you can find information on withdrawing money from your mobile account when sending a message to one or another short number. Check it out in advance. Also remember that if you receive false information during a paid search, there will be no one to make a claim.

Step 3

Contact a detective agency in order to punch a mobile phone number. This is a legal way to find out the owner of a cell phone. At the very least, the responsibility for intrusion into the privacy of the subscriber you are interested in will not lie with you. The choice of agency is yours. Stop your choice on the one that has been working for several years and has positive recommendations. Investigators have administrative resources and connections with law enforcement agencies. Such versatile connections will allow detectives to gain access to the information you need in the shortest possible time. It remains only to redeem it, although it will cost quite a lot.
