How To Upload A Video To The Navigator

How To Upload A Video To The Navigator
How To Upload A Video To The Navigator

Table of contents:


Most models of navigators support video playback. However, certain difficulties are often associated with their reproduction, mainly due to incompatibility of formats and resolutions.


  • - memory card;
  • - a wire for connecting to a computer.


Step 1

Connect your navigator to your computer using the supplied USB cable. Using the special software, which is also supplied with the device, copy the videos to the memory of the navigator. Please note that this method is not available for all devices, since often video playback from the navigator's memory is not available.

Step 2

Remove the memory card from your navigator and insert it into a special adapter connected to your computer. You can also keep it out of the navigator by connecting it to a computer using a USB cable in the removable storage mode. Copy your videos to a memory card and disconnect the device. Check if video preview will start.

Step 3

If the video does not start even from the memory card of the navigator, check its resolution and the aspect ratio of the movie. Some models can only play video that does not exceed the resolution of the screen itself, and in most cases they only work with a certain set of supported extensions.

Step 4

Transcode your video using a converter to avi or mpeg (read the supported file types in the device overview). Also check the aspect ratio, you may have to download the video again with different parameters, or modify it yourself in the converter (the image may be distorted in this case).

Step 5

Copy the recoded video to the memory card of your navigation device again. Please note that a memory card error may also be the cause. Therefore, format it from the menu of the navigator or computer, and then copy the videos to it again. If that doesn't work, try using a different card.
