Which Is Better: - A Gps Navigator Or A Phone With A Navigator?

Which Is Better: - A Gps Navigator Or A Phone With A Navigator?
Which Is Better: - A Gps Navigator Or A Phone With A Navigator?

Tourists, motorists and travelers have the opportunity to facilitate their activities through the use of navigators. Both gps navigators and phones equipped with a mapping application have their advantages. How do you make a difficult choice?

Cartography for gps navigators

A GPS navigator can be a good choice for a motorist. Firstly, most of the gps-navigators are "sharpened" specifically for driving a car - they work great at high speeds, they are not affected by the lack of the Internet. Secondly, they receive information directly from satellites in space - it is almost impossible to get lost with such a navigator.

It is one of the most popular systems for gps navigators in our country - Navitel. Navitel navigators are approved by the Cartography Agency of the Russian Federation. The accuracy of the gps-navigator, which receives information from satellites, is quite high - the detail of the location reaches five meters.

Mobile applications

Mobile applications are very flexible, modules are easily updated via the Internet. In addition, you can easily install several applications - this method is most suitable for solving specific problems.

Usually, mobile applications receive information about the location of their owner via the Internet (gprs, 3G). They work well in urban environments, near Wi-Fi hotspots and cell towers.

Yandex. Maps and Google. Maps

The search engines Yandex and Google have made high-level cartographic systems. In addition to accuracy and detail, Yandex and Google maps have a system for receiving new information from ordinary users. That is why Yandex. Maps and Google. Maps learn about new stores, parking lots and hospitals faster than other mapping services.

Android-enabled navigators, smartphones based on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry can use Yandex. Maps and Google. Maps. Especially attractive are gps navigators with support for search engine mapping applications - they combine the advantages of mobile applications and the independence of gps systems.

Cross the navigator with a smartphone

This task was set by specialists from Asus and Garmin. Asus is a leading computer manufacturer in the world, renowned for its laptops and tablet computers. Garmin is a leader in GPS navigation and mapping. The developers wanted to create a smartphone that runs on the Windows Mobile operating system and is a full-fledged gps-navigator. And they did it masterfully!

The created phone was named Garmin-Asus nuviPhone. The gps navigation system of the device allows you to determine your location with high accuracy in all weather conditions.
