How To Send A Message On A Different Name

How To Send A Message On A Different Name
How To Send A Message On A Different Name

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It is possible to send a message from someone else's number or address. In this case, special programs come to the rescue, as well as additional profiles on sites and e-mails.


  • - additional e-mail box;
  • - special programs designed to send messages via a computer;
  • - additional sim card.


Step 1

The user is forced to hide his mobile phone number for a number of reasons why he decides to remain anonymous. Of course, the subscriber receiving the message would like to know the sender of the letters, but if your desires do not coincide with him, use special programs.

Step 2

On the Internet, there are now a lot of applications that allow you to send free SMS messages using a computer. As a rule, when using such programs, the subscriber number is not determined. It is only indicated that the message came via the Internet. Also, in such programs, the user can enter any signature in the SMS. There are also applications that allow you to change the number or enter any name of your choice instead of the number.

Step 3

You can also send SMS messages using a variety of Internet messengers. Mile Agent is one of them. To send SMS through the "Agent", it is enough to indicate the phone number of the contact and write him a letter. But in this case, at the beginning of the message, instead of the number, the e-mail will be determined, to which the e-mail is registered. Therefore, for such purposes it is better to create an additional e-mail box and connect the "Mile-agent" to it.

Step 4

To send messages using the "Agent", add the data of the subscriber you need to the list of contacts. At the same time, it is not necessary (and even undesirable) that he was in your "friends". You can simply select the "Add contact" item and the "Add contact for calls and SMS" option. Enter the subscriber's number in the special field and make a call.

Step 5

You can also purchase another SIM card, the number of which will only be known to you. Do not tell it to anyone and you will remain incognito. As a last resort, you can use someone else's phone. Just do not abuse this opportunity and do not expose other people.
