How To Write And Send SMS

How To Write And Send SMS
How To Write And Send SMS

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One of the most common methods of informing and exchanging information is short text messages (SMS for short) that can be sent to mobile phones. Informing via SMS is convenient because the recipient does not spend a lot of time and will read the message one hundred percent, even if at the time of receipt the phone is far from him. In order to write and send SMS, you can use several simple methods.


Step 1

The easiest way to send SMS is to use your mobile phone. In this case, you need to find the section SMS (or "Messages") in the phone menu, then select "Write SMS" or "Write message". In the "Recipient" field, specify the number of the subscriber to whom you want to send the message, and after writing the text of the message, click on the "Send" button.

Step 2

For free SMS sending, online services will be useful to you. Find out which operator the number used by the subscriber you are interested in belongs to, and then find his official website. For Beeline it is, for MTS -, for MegaFon - Use the search function on the site, your goal is to find a form for sending SMS messages. Then enter the subscriber's number and message text. You may be required to enter a verification code. Do this and click on the "Submit" button

Step 3

Use the program " Agent" or ICQ. Both of these programs have an interface for sending messages to mobile phones. Create a new contact for calls and SMS, and then open a dialog box. Enter your message and click on the "Send" button. Please note that there may be restrictions on the number of characters in an SMS message, as well as restrictions on the number of SMS sent per minute.
