How To Share Wi-Fi From A Smartphone On Windows

How To Share Wi-Fi From A Smartphone On Windows
How To Share Wi-Fi From A Smartphone On Windows

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The summer season is in full swing, so the question of how to distribute Wi-Fi from a smartphone to a laptop is very relevant. This operation eliminates the need to buy a separate USB modem. You don't need a separate SIM card either. In this article, we'll show you how to share Wi-Fi from a Windows smartphone.


Step 1

Sharing Wi-Fi from a smartphone running Windows 8 is no more difficult than distributing the Internet wirelessly from a laptop running Windows 8.1. In the smartphone settings, select "Internet Sharing" and turn on the general access.

Step 2

By default, the system assigns the name Windows Phone to the wireless network and then 4 digits. The network password is also automatically generated. We do not recommend removing it. Although the likelihood that someone else will connect to your smartphone besides you is small, you should not forget about security. To change the password to an easier one or change the network name, click on the pencil at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3

To monitor traffic, search for "Data Control" in the settings. In this mode, you can set the limit of downloaded data per month, according to the specifics of your cellular tariff. The smartphone will automatically reset the limit every month and warn you when you approach a critical traffic level.
