How To Check The Balance On TELE2

How To Check The Balance On TELE2
How To Check The Balance On TELE2

To check the balance on TELE2, it is not at all necessary to perform many complex and incomprehensible actions. It is enough to use several simple methods that the operator offers to its subscribers.

How to check balance on TELE2 via USSD request

You can check the balance on TELE2 by dialing a special USSD request from the keyboard of your mobile phone: * 105 # (then press the call button). This function is provided by all mobile operators and is the fastest and easiest to implement. After making your request, please wait for a while.

Depending on the load on the network, after a few seconds, a notification will appear on the screen of the mobile phone indicating the current balance, or an SMS message will come with the same information. The request can be made an unlimited number of times and is always completely free. However, in some cases (this is especially typical for old mobile phones), the message with the account balance does not come. There is no need to despair, as there are other ways to find out the balance on BODY2.

How to check the balance on TELE2 through the system menu

Dial one more USSD request: * 111 # to check the balance on TELE2 in an alternative way. This request brings up the system menu, the first item of which will be called "My balance". Press “one” on the number pad on your phone to continue.

The request processing takes a few seconds, after which information about the current account balance will appear on the phone screen. This method of checking the balance is also free. In addition, you can press "0" at any time to return to the previous screen and additionally find out, for example, what is your current tariff.

How to check the balance on TELE2 through your personal account

If you have access to the Internet, you can check the balance on TELE2 through your personal account on the operator's official website: Of course, this method will require a little more time, as well as actions to perform, but it is perhaps the most informative. To go to the user's account, click "Enter your personal account" in the upper right corner of the main page.

Follow the instructions on the screen to obtain a username and password, and then enter them in the fields provided. Once in your account, go to the "Costs and Payments" tab. This is where the Account Balance section is located, by clicking on which you will receive comprehensive information about the account balance.

Please note that in addition to the above ways to find out the balance on TELE2, there is another one, namely a call to the free number 697. You will find yourself in the voice menu, following the instructions of which you can go to the section of the account balance. The answering machine will tell you how much unused funds you have left.
