How To Adjust Exposure

How To Adjust Exposure
How To Adjust Exposure

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Exposure adjustment is necessary to obtain high-quality photographic images. When using non-professional cameras, it is possible to use only the automatic exposure mode. Programmable automatic exposure slightly expands the customization options. More sophisticated setting options are stage, aperture and shutter priorities, and manual exposure.

It is necessary

high end digital camera


Step 1

To obtain an average exposure value, set the automatic mode; in this case, the automatic system independently adjusts the shutter speed and aperture. Moreover, first the aperture is set, and all shutter speeds are run according to this value, if the quality that the automation measures is unsatisfactory, the aperture changes to a new value, and so on. This mode will not give very high quality, especially when working with moving objects. But it will also allow you to avoid gross mistakes when shooting.

Step 2

For higher quality, use programmed exposure. In this case, in low light, the program forces the camera to work in the "room" mode, increasing the exposure. In bright light, the street program works and the exposure time increases. Based on this, the exposure speed and aperture are automatically selected.

Step 3

Use the Scene Modes software to capture dynamic events such as sports events. This software is only available on high-end cameras. In this case, the camera automatically adjusts to the minimum shutter speed, and, accordingly, the maximum aperture.

Step 4

When adjusting the quality of shooting and use the priority modes. When the aperture is set manually (aperture priority), the device independently selects the shutter speed, this allows you to effectively control the depth of field. When the shutter speed is set manually (shutter priority), the unit adjusts the aperture. This mode is well suited for capturing dynamic events as well as frequently changing lighting conditions.

Step 5

If the camera allows, use manual exposure for fine adjustments. In this case, both aperture and shutter speed are set manually. To improve the result, use a photometer that will measure the illumination and give an acceptable shutter speed and aperture value.
