How To Get A Loan In A Beeline

How To Get A Loan In A Beeline
How To Get A Loan In A Beeline

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Very often, just when you need to make an urgent call, the money on your mobile phone account for some reason runs out. If you really need it, but at the moment you do not have the opportunity to replenish your account, you can take a phone loan ("trust payment" in "Beeline") and continue the conversation.


Step 1

To take a loan in "Beeline", dial the command * 141 # and press the call button.

Step 2

The loan amount on Beeline depends on the amount of money that you spent on cellular communication in the last 3 months:

- if in the last 3 months you spent more than 3000 rubles a month on cellular communications, then the loan amount will be 300 rubles. In this case, the amount of the account balance must be from 0 to 90 rubles;

- if communication costs ranged from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles per month, then the loan amount will be 150 rubles, and the account balance must be from 0 to 60 rubles;

- if you spent from 100 to 1500 rubles a month on communication, then the "trust payment" will be equal to 90 rubles, and the balance on your account must be from 0 to 60 rubles;

- if your communication costs did not exceed 100 rubles per month, then the loan amount can be only 30 rubles, and the account balance must be from 0 to 30 rubles.

Step 3

The term for calculating the loan in "Beeline" is 3 days, and then the amount will be debited from your account.

Step 4

If you have ordered a phone loan in Beeline while in international roaming, the period after which it will be debited will be 7 days. In addition, the loan amount will be increased to you: 300 rubles, if the communication costs for the last 3 months were at least 1,500 rubles per month and 450 rubles, if the expenses exceeded 3,000 rubles.

Step 5

For the service of providing a loan in "Beeline" a fee is charged - 5 rubles including VAT, which is debited together with the debiting of the amount provided upon the expiration of its validity.

Step 6

You can get a loan again in Beeline only 24 hours after the previous one was written off.

Step 7

A ban can be placed on obtaining a loan. To do this, call 0611.
