How To Connect The Remote

How To Connect The Remote
How To Connect The Remote

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For a novice sound engineer, the main condition is the accumulation of experience. And how to gain experience if there is no good equipment? Take advantage of the economical option: buy a cheap mixing console and connect it to your computer's sound card. Only the sound card, in this case, shouldn't be cheap. This option will be the most acceptable, because you can buy an inexpensive remote and save on audio equipment by connecting the remote to your computer.


Sound card, mixing console, connecting wires


Step 1

In a sound mixer, all channels that will be connected to any sound reinforcement equipment are called inserts. Cords with jack 6, 3 stereo plugs are connected to these gaps. But the stereo output does not mean that the output signal will be in stereo mode. Each jack will carry 2 mono signals: one for input and one for output. Therefore, be careful when switching connecting wires.

Step 2

When choosing a sound card, you should pay attention to the presence of a connection with “jacks”. If your motherboard has all jacks 3, 5 - this is, of course, worse, but for a novice audio operator it will work fine. In this case, you will have to use special adapters. It is worth noting that it is better to choose a completely metal case for future connections jack 6, 3 or lack 3, 5. Plastic is cheaper, but a quality product will always cost more.

Step 3

You need to personally make all the connecting wires, or buy or order their manufacture. Such connecting wires (jack 6, 3 - 2 jack 6, 3) are produced much less than their counterparts (jack 6, 3 - jack 6, 3). You should connect the channels to each other according to the instructions that come with your audio equipment. If your console has 5 outputs, then 2 times more jacks (input and output) will go to your sound card. The audio mixer jack is stereo, and the audio card jacks are mono, therefore, the value of the audio card jacks should be 2 times larger.
