How To Change The Key Of A Melody

How To Change The Key Of A Melody
How To Change The Key Of A Melody

Table of contents:


It is sometimes necessary to change the key, or transpose the melody, if the original piece is written for an instrument, say, with a high voice, and the arrangement is done for an instrument with a medium or low range. The possibility of transport is due to the fact that the mode, regardless of the key, has the same interval content. In other words, the distance between the notes of the A major triad will coincide with the distance between the notes of the C major, although, of course, they will differ in pitch.


Step 1

Write down the original melody in the sheet music. Consider all signs of alteration, including those that go beyond the natural scale (major or minor).

Step 2

Under each sound of the melody, write the degree that the note occupies in the fret. For example, if the melody is in E minor, there will be number three under the note G, and number five under the note B. Note the notes with up or down signs (with the exception of key signs) as numbers with sharp, flat and bekar signs (three-sharp, four-flat, and so on).

Step 3

In the new selected key (note that the scale remains the same: if the melody was in a minor key, then it will remain in a minor key) write down the same numbers.

Step 4

Above the step numbers, write the notes that occupy the step in the new key. For example, in C minor, the third degree is E flat, the fifth is salt. Mark all steps with ups and downs with the appropriate signs (if the seventh step in E-minor was increased with a sharp, then in C-minor it will be increased with a bekar).

Step 5

Fill out the rhythmic drawing of the notes, add the calms, ribs, and other graphic elements.
