How To Connect A Fuse

How To Connect A Fuse
How To Connect A Fuse

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The electrical fuse is designed to protect the electrical circuit and all its elements from overheating and fire when high voltage flows. The fuse consists of a fuse, which contains the breakable part of the electrical circuit, as well as a mechanism that attaches the fuse to the contacts. It ensures the inclusion of the device in the electrical circuit and installation as a whole. It is an important device in ensuring the stable operation of the power grid.


  • - a low-current fuse (or a fuse that fits your electrical circuit);
  • - control lamp;
  • - electrical tester for measuring voltage;
  • - pliers;
  • - working tweezers;
  • - tapered pliers;
  • - screwdriver.


Step 1

Unscrew the flat nuts with pliers and remove the rings with working tweezers. Remove the housing using tapered pliers. Work carefully and carefully as some small parts are difficult to hold and larger parts will often require a tool.

Step 2

Look for a spare and regular fuse in the lanyard regulator. Sometimes two fuses can work and blow out at once, but the spare fuse must always be connected to the main one. Under no circumstances should you ever reverse them, as you can disrupt basic functions and knock down all the work.

Step 3

Check if the light is on, it means that the fuse is normal and working properly. If not, then most likely you will be buying a new fuse. Remember, the higher the technical "filling" of your apartment, the more often problems with troubleshooting will arise. An incorrect fuse may well damage equipment and devices, and a more powerful one can generally disable the equipment. The weak will often burn out. So when choosing a fuse, take into account the power of the electrical circuit, otherwise you will constantly face this "headache".

Step 4

Disconnect the regulator from the mains or remove the fuse altogether for detailed diagnostics. It is possible that during operation you may stumble upon a conductive material. Getting to the fuse is generally difficult without special tools, so if you're a beginner, pull it out.
