How To Find A Person's Location

How To Find A Person's Location
How To Find A Person's Location

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It is difficult to find parents who do not want to always know where their children are. It is difficult to find children who do not carry mobile phones with them. Modern technologies have done everything possible so that with the help of these phones it would not be difficult for parents to find their children at any time.


Step 1

Make sure your kids' phones are connected to the same carrier as at least one of your phones, and at least one of the other family members who want to know where the kids are.

Step 2

If your child is an MTS subscriber, connect him to the "Supervised Child" service. For a monthly fee of 50 rubles per month, three family members, including a child, will be able to use it unlimitedly (in total, 150 rubles will be charged from their phone accounts), and if less than three family members want to use it, the rest will have to pay for each request separately To start using the service, the child's father or mother must send to 7788, respectively, the word "MAMA" or "DADDY" (without quotes), followed by a space, and then the parent's name in capital letters. In response, you will receive a password - write it down and keep it away from children. To connect other family members to the service, send a message to the same number, consisting of one of the words “MOM”, “DAD” or “BABY” separated by spaces, the name of a family member and a password. Now, in order to find out where your children are, send a message to the same number with the text "WHERE THE CHILDREN".

Step 3

If the child's phone is connected to the Megafon operator, transfer it to the Smeshariki tariff. This will allow five family members to determine his location without limit for a monthly fee of 200 rubles per month, and he himself will be able to call two of them (connected to the same network) without limit. Payment is made only from the child's number, funds are not withdrawn from the parents' phones. To activate the service, dial the USSD command * 141 * N # from the child's phone, where N is the phone number of a family member without a plus, but with the number 7. In the same way, register and other family members who want to determine where the child is. Now, in order to find out where the child is, any of the registered family members just need to dial the USSD command * 141 # and receive an MMS message with the result in response. In this case, the phone of the receiving subscriber must support MMS and be properly configured.

Step 4

Present your child with a special device - a personal tracker. With its help, you will be able to determine his location regardless of which operator he uses (even Beeline, which does not have a location service, will do). Insert a SIM card of any GSM operator into the tracker, then configure it using SMS messages. Set a strong password. Correctly configure the access point in the device (not WAP, but Internet). If the operator provides such an opportunity by connecting unlimited Internet on the card installed in the tracker (it may have to be temporarily rearranged to the phone for this). After that, using your login and password, you can track trackers that are much more expensive than usual ones, for example, Teddyfone. They have a telephone function and allow the child to call one of four predefined numbers.
