How To Replace The Electrolyte In The Battery

How To Replace The Electrolyte In The Battery
How To Replace The Electrolyte In The Battery

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Sometimes it happens that the battery noticeably loses its capacity, especially in winter, and the car enthusiast immediately runs to the store for a new one. Is it necessary? If the battery is more than 5 years old, then, of course, the plates have already begun to crumble in it, and there is no way to fix anything on your own. And if the battery is only a year old, then it makes sense to try to restore it. The easiest way is to bring the electrolyte density to the desired level by charging. But if this does not help, then there is another way - a complete change of the electrolyte.


Step 1

In this case, the opinions of experts differ - some do not recognize this method and argue that this option either will not help at all, or not for long. Others argue that such a battery will calmly hold out for another year or two. If you still want to check for yourself how effective this is, then you should try.

Step 2

It is necessary to replace the electrolyte in all banks at once. During this process, it is necessary to completely drain all the electrolyte from the battery and rinse it with distilled water.

Step 3

The electrolyte should be drained through the bottom of the battery, under no circumstances turning it over. To do this, carefully drill holes with a 3-3.5 mm drill, and then drain the electrolyte into glass bottles. In terms of volume, the entire drained electrolyte will take about two liters. After the bottles have settled, you will notice that there is not much sediment.

Step 4

Next, solder the holes you drilled. To do this, take plastic from another waste battery (preferably a cork). You can also use other acid-resistant plastic, having previously checked its reaction to the electrolyte.

Step 5

After all the holes are sealed, buy an electrolyte from the store (solution with a density of 1.27-1.28 kg / cm?). Fill the battery with fresh electrolyte; a completely empty battery contains about three liters of electrolyte.

Step 6

After filling with electrolyte, wait about 2-5 hours, depending on the capacity of the battery, for the reaction to complete completely and the density of the liquid to stabilize. Also consider temperature when measuring density.

Step 7

Put the battery on charging with a current of 2 A, and then use the battery until it breaks down.

Step 8

This method is available to almost everyone, but do not expect long battery life after such "resuscitation". After draining the electrolyte, the plates are completely exposed, and when they come into contact with oxygen, the plates begin to corrode. Deep discharge of such a battery will lead to irreversible sulfation.

So, the restoration of the battery by changing the electrolyte is possible, but it will bring a short-term effect!
