How To Disable The MTS "Operator" Service

How To Disable The MTS "Operator" Service
How To Disable The MTS "Operator" Service

Table of contents:


The mobile operator "MTS" is one of the most popular companies providing telecommunications services. The history of the operator began in 1993, a year later, Muscovites were able to make calls through MTS. Now the company serves not only Russian subscribers, but also Belarus, Uzbekistan, Armenia and other countries. Subscribers have the ability to connect and disconnect various services, options and tariffs.


Step 1

If you want to disable this or that service, you can contact any of the customer service offices. As a rule, MTS OJSC has many departments, offices and representative offices in various cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.

Step 2

To deactivate the service, use the MTS OJSC contact center. If you are on the territory of Russia, Belarus or Uzbekistan, dial the short number 0890 from your mobile phone. And if in roaming - +7 495 766 016. You can also contact the mobile operator through the city landline phone, for this call 8 800 250 0890.

Step 3

Disable the service using the self-service system. To do this, you need to get a password. From your mobile phone, send a message with the text "25 (password from six to ten characters long)" to the short number 111.

Step 4

Go to the official website of MTS OJSC, which is located at In the upper right corner, find the function "Login to the Internet Assistant", click on it. On the opened page, enter the data (phone number and password) in the field. Once on your personal page, open the "Service Management" tab and mark the ones that you want to disable. Finally, click "Save Changes".

Step 5

Disable the service using a special USSD command. You can get it from an employee of the mobile company "MTS", or when activating the service.

Step 6

Another way to disable the service is to use an SMS message. As a rule, for this you can find out the short number and text from your operator or on the official MTS website.
