How To Choose A Vinyl Turntable

How To Choose A Vinyl Turntable
How To Choose A Vinyl Turntable

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For analog sound lovers, the turntable remains an integral part of home audio equipment. And this is not only a tribute to retro. The promising singles of popular musicians are released on vinyl, and their high-quality sound only emphasizes the dynamics of live music.


Step 1

The main parameter when choosing a turntable is the functionality of the motor and its speed characteristics. Choose an electric motor with the ability to block a quartz speed regulator.

Step 2

The base for the plate is a flywheel disc. Please note that the more massive it is, the more stable the rotational speed. Previously, discs were made from aluminum-based alloys, now Lexan or acrylic is used, which have their resonant frequency in a safe range.

Step 3

When choosing a vinyl record, pay attention to the drive. Its task is to rotate the plate at a certain frequency, without creating acoustic interference. Do not use a roller or direct drive turntable. they have a very high vibration level. In addition, the direct drive causes electromagnetic interference to the pickup. Taken together, all this is incompatible with a high-quality and melodic sound. It is better to choose a turntable with a belt drive, it isolates the flywheel disc from motor vibrations.

Step 4

An important component of the turntable is the tonearm, the main task of which is to move the stylus across the record along its radius. Choose a CFRP tonearm to mount on a floating chassis, this will significantly reduce vibration and improve sound quality.

Step 5

The sound quality of a turntable depends a lot on the stylus. Simple to manufacture, and therefore inexpensive, still remain spherical needles. True, they have a significant drawback: due to poor tracking of the groove modulation in places of a high recording level, the spherical needles deform the record, which ultimately leads to sound distortion. Elliptical needles give less distortion, but their cost is much higher.
