How To Connect A Turntable

How To Connect A Turntable
How To Connect A Turntable

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Devices for the reproduction of mechanical recordings are divided into those equipped with a built-in amplifier (electrophones) and not equipped with such (players). Both those and others must be correctly connected before use.


Step 1

If in front of you is an electrophone equipped not only with a built-in amplifier, but also with a built-in speaker (usually monophonic models have this arrangement), in order to start using it, it is enough to correctly set the mains voltage with a special switch, if any, and then turn on the device to the network. Switch the voltage only on a de-energized device.

Step 2

If the microphone contains a built-in amplifier, but is designed to connect external speakers, it all depends on which connectors are used for this. If we are talking about the device "Accord" or "Russia", the speakers are equipped with connectors, where one contact is made in the form of a pin, the other - in the form of a socket. The speaker cord that comes out of the unit itself is equipped with the exact same connector. When connecting, simply rotate the plug so that the pin is facing the female and vice versa. For very old devices, the speaker may be equipped with a plug similar to a conventional mains plug. Never plug it into the mains! Connect it to the socket on the unit that is designed specifically for the speaker. In modern devices, the speakers are equipped with cords that have a two-pin connector on one side, and two bare and tinned conductors on the other. Clamp the conductors in the terminals located on the back of the speaker, connecting the one marked with a sticker or a stain of paint to the red terminal. Connect the plug to the microphone.

Step 3

A player that is not equipped with a built-in amplifier, but has two plugs similar to the mains, connect like this. Determine which one is for powering the motor and which is for outputting the signal from the pickup. Connect the phono output to the dedicated jacks on your amplifier or receiver. Position this plug so that the turntable ground is connected to the receiver or amplifier ground (both are marked accordingly). Use the block to set the power supply voltage of the electric motor to 220 V, and only then plug the power cord into the mains.

Step 4

More modern turntables without a built-in amplifier have DIN-type output jacks. On such a connector, use the middle contact as the common contact. Determine the position of the signal contact of the right channel empirically: it can be extreme left or extreme right. The signaling contact of the left channel is between it and the common contact.

Step 5

Imported turntables without amplifiers have one or two cinch jacks. For them, use a ring contact as a common contact, and a central one as a signal contact.
