How To Unlock The Camera

How To Unlock The Camera
How To Unlock The Camera

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It can be an unbearable pity when a winning shot cannot be captured due to the fact that the camera repeatedly displays a message that the microSD card is blocked. How do you unlock the card and start taking photos again?


Step 1

MicroSD cards have a write-lock switch. You can find it on the top edge of the map. Remove the card from the camera. The switch must be moved to the up position and then carefully insert the card back into the camera slot. It often happens that, from excessively sharp movements, the switch is set to lock. Therefore, be careful when installing the card.

Step 2

If you no longer need the information that is already on the card (for example, you have already transferred it to the PC memory), format the card. Connect the camera to your computer via USB, open “My Computer” and select “Format”. Then insert the card into the camera.

Step 3

If you still need the information that is already on the card, purchase a card reader. Insert the card into it and connect it via USB to your computer. With this device, you can extract all the necessary files and transfer them to the memory of your computer and only then format the card.

Step 4

If your computer or card reader “does not see” the microSD card or displays a message stating that formatting is not possible, use an unlocker program. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet. Please note: such programs should not be paid. If you are asked to send a paid SMS or transfer a certain amount to an account or e-wallet, close this page.

Step 5

Take the user manual for your camera and check the Error Messages (or similar) section. Usually, in the list of errors, the reasons that cause them, and methods for their elimination, there is also "Card Lock" or "Camera Lock".

Step 6

If you saved the microSD card slot, inspect it carefully. Some manufacturers indicate on the packaging a password to access the card.
