How To Amplify The Speaker On Your Phone

How To Amplify The Speaker On Your Phone
How To Amplify The Speaker On Your Phone

Table of contents:


The speaker volume level does not always suit mobile phone users. This parameter is controlled by the setting in the corresponding menu. If the volume does not change when the settings are changed, the part must be replaced.


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Step 1

Go to the settings for the sound theme or the settings for the current call mode. Adjust the maximum ringtone volume for incoming calls. If your phone uses different speakers for talking and for ringing incoming calls and messages, do not mix up these settings.

Step 2

In phone standby mode, press the up arrow button on the side of your phone, if available in your phone model. Also, the speaker volume can be adjusted with a joystick in some older models. In call mode, the volume is adjusted in the same way.

Step 3

To increase the volume of the speakers, request the service codes for your phone model, find among them the one that allows access to sound settings beyond the level allowed by the firmware. It is best not to use this method as, in most cases, this will damage the speaker of the phone.

Step 4

Also, pay attention to the difference in service codes for different models, sometimes they can be the same for one manufacturer, and sometimes using the wrong one can open the wrong settings. Please note that to confirm the completion of the operation, you will most likely need to enter the phone's security code, which by default is 00000, 12345, and so on in most cases.

Step 5

Contact a special service center for the repair of phones and order them to change the speaker of the device, indicating a low volume level. This will be the best solution to the problem. Among the service centers, choose the services of only those that establish a warranty period for the operation performed and the new phone part. Also, do not use the services of unknown services.
