How To Set Up The Internet On Your Phone In Kazakhstan

How To Set Up The Internet On Your Phone In Kazakhstan
How To Set Up The Internet On Your Phone In Kazakhstan

Table of contents:


To connect to the Internet on your phone in Kazakhstan, you need to be a subscriber of one of the mobile operators - Beeline, Kcell or Tele2, as well as enable and configure WAP-access and GPRS.


Step 1

Before connecting to the WAP access service, make sure that your cell phone supports WAP and GPRS. This information can be found in the instructions for the phone.

Step 2

In order to connect the Internet with the Beeline operator and receive automatic settings on your phone, send an SMS with the text W to 800.

Step 3

The phone will send the settings that need to be saved in the phone memory. In some cases, when saving, the mobile phone will ask you to enter a pin code (0000).

Step 4

If sms with settings did not come, set up your phone manually. To do this, go to the menu, select the "Settings" -> "Internet" option and use the following parameters: IP port 9201 (or 8080), secure connection disabled, session type - permanent, access point -, access via - GPRS, username - @ wap.beeline, password - beeline, request for a password - no, authorization - normal, gateway IP address -

Step 5

Activate a special service package by sending 09051 in an SMS message to 0674. After you receive a notification about the service activation, turn off and then turn on your phone.

Step 6

To connect to the Internet at the Kcell operator, send an SMS message with the text wap to 800. The settings will be sent to the phone, which must be saved in the phone's memory. In other cases, you need to connect the service through the operator's offices and manually configure the phone using the following parameters: proxy / IP address - not used, proxy port - not used, access point - internet; proxy / IP address -, proxy - enabled, proxy port - 8080, access point - wap.
